dallas winston ➼ tough but soft

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Request: dally always denies that he has feelings about me when the gang teases him making me think he hates me. one night when im walking to the curtis house at night the socs show up & jump me. & dally gets v protective and confesses his feelings once i get to the house ❤️

Name: Angel

Warning(s): Language

Word Count: 1.5K

A/N: Now that all the commented requests are finished and written, I am moving onto the requests that are sent through my messages. I hope you enjoy!

Dallas was in denial

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Dallas was in denial.

He has been for a while now. He never expected to fall in love, let alone, fall in love with you. He really thought nothing of it, but a few weeks ago, you had done something that made Dallas make that realization. At first, he thought that it was a small crush, but the more he saw you, the more he started to realize, it was love.

Dallas was never the best at love. Every girl he would want to get serious with winds up leaving him. He knew that he didn't want to lose you as a lover, nor a friend. So he kept his feelings to himself. Better yet, he even acted as if he hated you.

You would have lunch with the gang everyday, but Dallas has been acting different lately. He wasn't sitting next to you. He wouldn't respond to you, even when you knew that you were close enough for him to hear you. Overall, he just ignored you. You had to admit, you missed the playful banter you two would have with each other.

Something wasn't adding up, and you weren't going to give up until you figured out what was going on with Dallas.

"Come on Angel get out from underneath him!" Ponyboy cried out, his eyebrows furrowed in seriousness. You grunted as Sodapop kept you pinned down to the ground with his knee. His sparkling white teeth gleamed down at you as he smiled in amusement. "You got this!!!"

Some sort of energy sored through your veins, and with that motivation, you shimmied your way out from underneath Sodapop. Sodapop was caught by surprise and fell over. You scrambled up to your feet and immediately tackled your good friend back to the ground. You pinned him to the ground by the shoulders.

Two-Bit slammed the floor three times, indicating that you had won that match. You jumped up to your feet, cheering in response. Ponyboy clapped along with a wide smile. Later on, Johnny was slipping Ponyboy his five dollars. Ponyboy smiled while looking through his cash.

"Alright, I think that leaves just Angel and Dally," Darrel said, standing up off of the couch. You glanced over at Dallas who was shaking his head. You lifted your eyebrow. Dallas never turned down the opportunity to play rough with you. "Dally, are you ready?"

"I'm not wrestling Angel."

"That's something I never thought I'd hear," You said, lowering yourself back onto the ground, sitting beside Sodapop. "I'll even sit down to give you an advantage."

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