To My (and your) future Self

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To my future self, and to yours as well, please always put yourself first. Ignore those that will call you selfish or uncaring because from the past versions of ourselves, we constantly let others do whatever they please as we turned a blind eye and simply accepted. 

For my future self and yours, don't let the words "it's because I love you" be good enough reasoning to accept words that cut you like a knives.

For my future self and yours, be proud of who you are and never push aside what makes you feel good to please others. 

It shouldn't be seen as cocky to be confident. 

It shouldn't be seen as slutty to be sexual and sensual.

It shouldn't be seen as unkind to be independent. 

If they really love you, they would love you unconditionally and not put blockades when they supposedly "understand" why you do what you do. There shouldn't be an explanation as to why you are doing some thing for yourself. 

For my future self and yours, you know you are content with being alone and if you aren't yet that's okay too, you will get there. Don't be afraid to let people go, once you learn that you are all you need, you will be the one reminding others that you don't need them and are not afraid to let them go. 

Never hold back your feelings to spare a friendship or a relationship because when you speak about things that need to be addressed, no matter how small, they should listen completely and take it in without interjecting or shutting it down. 

This is for all the people out there that have lost their crowns to silly people that aren't even half of what they are. This is to the people that have been wrongly taken advantage of and wrongly treated for far too long. This is to all of you strong and beautiful people. 

Never forget your worth. 

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