Healing Heart

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"How is 12194's condition now?"
The children is playing tag as usual today. It was fun for them especially for the energetic Emma but somewhere deep inside the forest, you can hear a painful frantic breathing. The children are too focused on hiding from Norman that they forgot about a certain (h/c) haired girl.

(y/n) sat by a tree branch too high from the ground. She was now hyperventilating from too much exhaustion. She was used to play tag, so she's confused on why it suddenly happened to her.

Many minutes has passed and Norman and the others still hasn't found her. They are now getting worried for the (h/c) haired girl especially Norman.

"Emma! Did you find her!?" Norman frantically asked her, holding her shoulder. "...no I haven't" Emma said while looking the other way. "Ray! W-where's Ray!? He should be here helping us!"

"(y/n)! Ray!" Gilda exclaimed causing the snow white haired boy to look at their direction. Norman was so shocked to see (y/n)'s condition. She looks tired, very tired.

Ray had found her laying on the ground passed out with blood coming out from her nose and head. He quickly lifted her up, running fast to infirmary. '...(y/n)'

"W-what happened to her!? Why does she have bandaids!? Ray!"

Everyone watched as the scene unfold to them, worried about (y/n)'s condition. Ray holds her hand scared that she'll suddenly fall from the floor. "Don't worry about me Norman, I-I just fell from the tree.." (y/n) sheepishly said "I was so worried sick..." Norman said stealing her from Ray's grip.


"You can't play tag with us? That's sad..." Emma said with sad in her eyes. She was sad because one of her siblings can't enjoy the sunny day today playing tag. Mama found out that (y/n) has heart disease that's why she's not allowed to play tag or do anything too exhausting that can weaken her heart so she now always stays under the tree where Ray would normally sat on. It was the saddest announcement Mama has ever told them especially for Norman, Emma, and surprisingly Ray.

"Demons huh..." (y/n) muttered while pulling out the tiny grasses. Ray heard it stopping him for reading his book. "What did you say?" he asked "Ah! Ray you scared me, you know how weak my heart is" she exclaimed "..sorry"

"Ray" She called distracting him once again. "What?" he simply asked "Do you think I'll get a heart transplant? I wanna play tag with you all again...I miss that moment so much" Ray sighed closing his book, placing it beside him. He moved closer to her. "I'm sure they'll find a new heart for you and then you'll be able to play tag with us- them again" Ray reassured while putting a flower beside her ear. "I hope so..."

The atmosphere between them two was so peaceful. It was a peaceful quiet that you can enjoy; that was when suddenly an energetic orange haired girl distracts the both of them. Norman was about to wave a hand to her when she instantly stood up "I'll see you later Ray, I almost forgot I had to take my medicines" she nervously chuckled then walked away from them.

'I knew it...he likes her, If only I don't have this weak heart then I wouldn't be here in the hallways passing out...'









"I'll go check up on her.." Ray said standing up; leaving Norman and Emma alone together. "Do you think Ray likes her?" Gilda suddenly asked, surprising the two of them. "What do you mean Gilda? of course he likes her! We all like her aren't we?" Gilda and Norman sweatdropped at Emma's statement; she can be super dense- well everyday. "Emma you're so dense~!" Anna playfully said. She just simply tilts her head out of confusion. "Someday Emma will start to understand the 'liking a person' in a different meaning" Norman said as he smiled at them. "I don't know if you all noticed this too but Ray and (y/n) has been very close lately to each other; I even once saw Ray laughing with her. He feels like a different Ray whenever he's with her" Anna said with a slight blush. "Don't you think (y/n) likes her too..?" Norman thought about what Anna had said. He's feelings have been troubling him lately; yes he likes Emma but now...he's not even sure if he still like her. This problem is confusing him. In his head he likes Emma but deep inside her heart, he knows he loves (y/n)....

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