Chapter 9: I'm joking, silly

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"Welcome back, Seki. Oh, Eru-san, you're here too."

As they opened the front door, Seki's dad greeted them.

"G-Good afternoon, Hiromata-san."

[A.N. - Eru is talking to the dad 'cause Hiromata is their surname.]

"There's four Hiromatas in this household, y'know. You can just call me by my first name, Tadashi."

"I-I see. I'll be in your care, Tadashi-san."

They went inside and Seki's mom was sitting down on the couch, reading a book. She was about to greet Seki but when she saw Eru, her face crumple slightly.

"We're back, mom."

Seki simply waved at his mom and brought all the ingredients they bought to the kitchen. Eru did a quick bow and followed Seki's trail.

"Why are you here again, Kasumi-kun?"

Suddenly, the mom spoke causing Eru to be startled.

"U-Um, I- Well..."

"I asked her to be here, mom. She told me she was bad at cooking so I begged her to let me teach her."

"I refuse. Please leave now."

"Mom, you can't just kick her out."

"Yes I can. I demand you to leave because this is my houth—"


She bit her tongue.


Watching such an embarrassing sight, Seki couldn't help but laugh at her mother's blunder. Naturally, her mom started fidgeting all over.

"F-Fine, since Seki insists, I'll let it slide this time. I'm going out for a smoke!"

"Mom, please, you love your body too much. Heck you don't even drink coffee, let alone smoke cigarettes."

"Sh-Shut up!"

She dashed out of the house pouting and blushing.

"Y-Your mom seems to be quite lively despite her rash attitude, huh."

"Yeah, she may seem grumpy but she's very kind. She's straightforward but not honest with herself. I think calling her a 'tsundere' in this situation isn't a stretch."

"I know, right? When we were younger, every time I compliment her, she smacks me right on the nose."

Suddenly, Tadashi joined in the conversation.

"She's really pretty. I bet you had a lot of rivals back then, Tadashi-san."

"Yeah, yeah! A lot of guys surrounded her when we were in highschool and college."

"All those men flocking around mom and she chose you? Still one of the biggest mysteries in the world."

"Hey, why can't you appreciate the charm of the man who gave birth to you?"

"When the heck did you give birth to me?"

Tadashi clicked his tongue and started walking away.

"Tch. I'll go follow your mom, you two better not do indecent things while we're gone."

"It's not like we can do anything since Seiji's here."

Seki pointed at his younger brother who was playing video games at the console. Tadashi nodded and left.

'D-Does that mean he WILL do indecent things if Seiji-kun wasn't here?! What is he planning? Am I in danger? No, Seki-kun wouldn't do such things. But still, a teenage boy's thirst for lust is incredibly high! What will I do if he makes a move? What do I do if I bear a child?! I'm not ready for such a heavy responsibility! I'll be so stressed that I won't be able to take care of the kid. Then he'll grow into one of those gang members or serial killers!"

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