Chapter 11: None of those mattered

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Ring. Ring.

Not even a full minute has passed since the bell has rang, indicating the end of class, half of the students has already left the classroom.

"It's raining really heavily, huh."

Ryu remarked as he peeked outside the window.

"Did you bring an umbrella, Ryu?"

"No. Don't tell me you didn't bring yours?"

"It's raining heavily and we don't have our umbrellas. Time to die, I guess."

"How the hell did you come to that conclusion, Eru?"

"Don't you get it?! If I don't have an umbrella, I have to run through the rain and I'll end up sic—"

"Or you can just wait for the rain to settle down, like a normal person. Why did I have to ask you?"

They decided to sit down on the porch (or terrace) outside the building and wait for the rain to stop.


It has already been at least an hour or two since they started waiting but the rain was still pouring down heavily.

"You look bummed out, Eru."

"It's just that it doesn't look like the rain will settle down any time soon. Then I..."

"You won't be able to hang out with that Seki guy?"

As soon as Eru heard Seki's name, she stiffened and her ears and cheeks started turning red.

"I-I'm not! Why did you have to bring up Seki-kun?!"

Eru shouted at Ryu, loud enough to be heard even with the sound of rain constantly dropping.

"You mentioned me, Eru-san?"

A familiar voice called out from a distance.

Eru's eyes widened as he saw Seki approaching them with an umbrella in hand.

"S-Seki-kun?! What are you doing here?!"

"It's already been two hours and you still haven't arrived at the house so I thought you didn't have an umbrella."

He answered nonchalantly as he set foot on the porch where the two were taking shelter in.

"That's great, Eru. You guys can go ahead of me."

"Eh? What about you, Ryu?"

"I'll just wait for it to settle down."

"Here, Jin-san. You can have this."

Suddenly, Seki joined in their conversation and handed over the umbrella he was holding to Ryu.

"Eh? I can take it?"

"Sure. Eru-san and I will just go together."

Ryu paused for a second to think before taking the umbrella.

"I'll take you up on that offer then. Take care of Eru, Seki-san."

"Leave it to me."

Seki puffed his chest as he reassured Ryu who nodded in response and started walking away.


"Uhm, Seki-kun. Do you have a spare umbrella other than the one you gave to Ryu?"

"Nope. What for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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