Chapter 3: I swear, she's in highschol

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The four of them are taking a stroll while Eru and Seki tries to explain the situation to Ryu and Tomozaki.

"Wanna come over my house, Eru-san?"

Seki asked out of the blue.


Everyone except Seki's jaw dropped to the ground.

'Sex. He's definitely thinking about sex. He wants to bring me to his house and do indecent things. That's exactly it. Are all boys like this? Or perhaps lust just completely taken over his body once he saw my body? Heck, maybe that was his plan from the very beginning!'

"What the hell are you saying, Seki?! Aren't you rushing things too quickly? We're only on chapter three!"

"What are you talking about? I just wanted to know more about Eru-san since we're dating now."

Though quite unbelievably, Seki wasn't lying when he said that.

"Don't try to fool me! There's no way a virgin highschool boy like you wouldn't make a move on a girl when you two are alone."

"You son of a bitch, just how little do you trust me? And my little brother and parents are home right now so indecent things are thrown out the window."

"I see. So if your family wasn't home then you WOULD have done something."

"Please shut up before I engrave my fist on your nose."

Seki said that with such a serious face that Tomozaki just completely zipped his mouth shut.

"Anyway, Eru-san. Do you want to come over? You can decline if you really don't want feel comfortable."

Eru was fidgeting all this time as she was losing her mind from overthinking.

'He doesn't look like he's really lying. Even though he looks a bit scary, I don't think he's the type of person to do anything bad. But still, a girl coming over to a boy's house is a bit... That's right. I have to be a mature person and rejec—'



Once again, she answered out of panic.

"Eh?! You'll actually do it, Eru?"

Even Ryu, who was silent this whole time was quite flustered.


"Aren't you two doing these developments out of order?"

Indeed, the normal order would be:

Meet each other > Introduction > Get Along > Date each other > Introduce to Family

Instead, the two followed quite a strange pattern:

Meet each other > Date each other > Introduction > Introduce to Family > Get Along


"Fine. We'll leave you two alone for now. Eru, contact me when something happens."

"You better tell me everything tomorrow, Seki!"

Ryuu and Tomozaki exclaimed as they walk away.

Step. Step. Step.

"You and Ryu-san are pretty close, huh?"

"W-We're childhood friends. He's pretty overprotective though."

"Is that so... must be nice to have such a nice guy around since you were kids."

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