10 : 🌑

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I was dragging my legs to the office with my mind refusing to process everything that is slowly falling apart in my life. My phone never stopped ringing and I guess I'm 30 minutes late, or more.

*Knock *Knock

"Please come in.."

I open the door. The warm and loving eyes of my parents immediately welcomed me but covered of sadness.

"Kit.. It's difficult.. But, you need to learn this properly.."

Our Head started with a concerned look drawn all over his face while my Dad carefully guide me to sit beside Mom who held my hand tight.

"Kamjornkit.. The results shows that you are an Omega.. You're smart.. you're already aware of the basics. So now we will discuss about you taking suppressants and, the wearing of collar."

"A collar?"

Chills ran my spine..

"Some scent and pheromones are stronger for some Omegas.. We would like to do all precautionary measures that will ensure your safety."

I felt the air was restricted in my throat.

"We don't want this to affect your studies but there are things we need to do as per protocol.."

"What are those?"

Dad demanded..

"He can't join any activity that will require a lot showing of his skin.. He'll be using different comfort and shower rooms.. Kit can't join activities that will require him to rub his skin with others like sports or plays.."

I felt my hands trembling..

"I also found out about your suitors.."

My head jerked up to see our Head's face with a knowing look..

"What do you mean Sir? I don't ha--"

"Mark and Phadbok are both First Class Alpha.. they're the biggest threat to you."

"T-They're my friends."

"Kit.. As I mentioned, since they're First Class Alphas, they might have unconsciously targeted you already even before knowing you're an Omega, or probably even before you turned 18. It might be unintentional, but that's how strong their abilities are.."

He huffed..

"We've been carefully watching those two boys, they're already suspected to be the best of this year's Alphas.. So we can't let Mark and Phad clash over anything especially since both their family can't be taken lightly."


"We are aware of their growing affection to you. If you can't decide who to choose.. If you have someone else inside your heart to mate with.. Or if you have a different decision in this matter.. You have to make sure, that you protect yourself."

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