This is a story about a little killing machine....not actually... A dragon, to be precise,which hides in the Human Realm, where no other dragons or any mythical creature lived there.She and her best friend, Luna,lives peacefully there until someone...
Luna:well,this sucks.We're wanted in this world and some guy just tried to kill us.What a bad day to be celebrated huh?
Y/N:That's why your birthday is very unique.And,thanks for helping me wrap these bandages on my shoulders.
Luna:No prob.Hey,about that guy...who is he actually? And...why he call you the "Lord of Destruction"?
Y/N:It's kinda complicated,so I'll talk if we go to the place we went yesterday,can we?
Luna:Can you still fly?
Y/N:I'll...try-OUCH!Changing forms while wounded is A PAIN.It BURNS.
Luna:Hop on, I'll give you a ride.
Y/N:Yeay,fwee wride!!!*acts cute*
At the seaside...
Y/N:Okay,here's the real deal.I'm actually a dragon-we'll...I hate being one.They're just...too brutal for me.I-I'm the princess there once.I just don't want to stay there because I don't want to make killing is an enjoyable...hobby,you know?
Luna:So that's why you ran.but...who's that guy before?
Y/N:No idea.probably just a goon father sent to hunt me down, I guess.Soon or later, I think he is going to be my soulmate if they catch me.
Luna:Why'd you say so?
Y/N:He's alone and the only one knows who I am.If Father sends only one creature to get me,that might be his best man.
Luna:Seems logic but if I were you,I will do what you do.Poof myself from existence.He's the one we should keep an eye on.*lightbulb* aha! How about you stay in my kingdom instead?
Y/N:I don't your place ok with me hanging around there?
Luna:Although they're an anti-dragon community,as long as we keep a low profile I think we're good to go.
Y/N:sounds good to me.Lead the way.
Luna flew off and whirls around the water,making a small whirlpool that slowly turns into a portal.She finishes making the portal with a little twirl and watter follows her every movement.
Luna:*pants* it's been a long time since I made a portal like,I'm getting older.
Y/N:maybe you should stop wrinkle your forehead when I do anything stupid so that you wouldn't age that quick!*laughs*
Luna:whatever.Let's go.
Y/N hops onto Luna's back and both of them dive into the portal.they flew from a lake in a sunset and it was really fascinating.
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/N:so...does this mean that you can only create portals on water or what?
Luna:sort of.I guess I can connect two portals using water.
Darkness surrounds them and the moon shines bright on them.
Luna:I think we should find a place for the night.I'm beat.
Both of them flew for hours but no luck.they're in the middle of a forest with no abandoned house or old buildings to shield themselves if rain falls.
Luna's thoughts starts to talk to herself:
"I have a bad feeling about this place.Need to find shelter,fast!If we might get ambushed,I can't defend myself and Y/N at the same time.If someone hears this please help us guide our way to safety"
Shortly afterwards,a grey wolf pounces on them and made Luna lose control,so both of them fell.They're surrounded by three wolves,with orange eyes
I'm too lazy to name each of them so let's use W1,W2 and W3 ok?
W1:Well,lookie here boys.Some puny little girl and a phoenix!
W2:Looks like we have ourselves a feast tonight,am I right?
W3:I want the phoenix,I wnat the phoenix!*laughs and drools*
W2:No,I want to have her!She's mine.
both the two of them starts to fight ad that's a chance for Luna and Y/N to run.
W1:Idiots! we're siblings,and we always SHARE!now both lf you made our food run away.*sigh* Welp,new rule.Finders keepers!*runs*
W2 and W3:GET THEM!!!
Luna tries to fly away as soon as she can,but the night made her impossible to see branches in front of her.They only have one choice,which is running.With Y/N gripping hard on her back,Luna tries to shake off those wolves behind them,using all the power that she has,she summons water to push them off,but they blend in the shadows and jumped from tree to tree in an instant.
Luna:How fast they can be?!I...I can't run
Luna tripped on a rock and Y/N tumbled foward with her head slams right onto a tree.
No reply.Luna slowly drags herself to Y/N,wraps her wings around Y/N and tries to scare off those bad wolves.All three of them bursts into laughter to see how weak Luna is,so that they can gobble her up with no effort.Something runs towards them and another wolf stands in front of them,with magenta pattern all over him.he even has a pair of magenta eyes.
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"What are the three of you think you're doing?Killing a phoenix isn't the best way to go.I know you learn about the laws,right?NEVER kill a phoenix for the rest of our lives,EVER.If we will be banished again,I will put you guys on my list.Understand?!Now,scram!"
All three of them whined and ran away.Luna saw those beautiful eyes contacted with hers before everything went black.