This is a story about a little killing machine....not actually... A dragon, to be precise,which hides in the Human Realm, where no other dragons or any mythical creature lived there.She and her best friend, Luna,lives peacefully there until someone...
Y/N finally went back to the carpenter's house.As she walks in,Luna smiles as she sees me carrying a basket full of fruits even though she is still tired because of what happened yesterday.Y/N sits next to Luna to check on her condition.
Y/N:Hey,are you feeling okay?
Luna:better than eve-ha...CHOO!*covers herself in her blanket*
Y/N:*laughs* at least your okay,sis.
Y/N sees a cup of tea that is half full,which Luna drank a moment ago.She feels the cup,the tea is already cold.After she holds the cup,the tea is warmed in a blink of an eye.
Y/N:Luna,I think you should finish your tea here.
Luna:*sniffs* I thought that tea is cold-wait...thanks! I really want to finish drinking it just now but I took a nap.
Y/N:welp,you are my sleepy head,alright.Oh yeah,where is he?
Luna:who?Leo?He went out before you arrive here.He'll be here soon. *hears opened door* speak of the devil!
We both gaze at him walking towards us,wearing black,long leather coat with his face covered and wears a hat.Both of us are suprised that he brings a ling spear that has a catfish stabbed right into it.
Luna:is that a catfish?
Leo:a what fish?no,this is a fry Namazu.I hunt one down when the mother isn't there.
note:baby catfishes are called fry(yes,no joke) and Namazu is a Japanese mythical catfish . >_<
Y/N:wait,I thought those causes earthquakes or something.
Leo:nah,those are just legends.When a fry Namazu truns into an adult,they'll just splash wildly in the same spot until they're eaten by another creature.That's why I want the Namazu's to end their suffer while they're still a fry.
Luna:at least that's edible,right?
Y/N:as long as it's edible,I'm in!*drooling*
Luna bumps her head to Y/N's.
Luna:be serious!
Leo:you guys just stay put while I cook this one.I know you're hungry.
Y/N and Luna:yeay!Arigato gozaimasu!
Leo:dou itashimasite.*glances at a basket of fruits*Wow!is that what you found,Y/N?That's a lot!
Y/N:well,that's why I came in because I'm an expert.hahaha!
Luna:*bumps her head again* show-off.
Few moments later,Leo finally finishes cooking and calls out to both Y/N and Luna.Y/N still needs to escort Luna to the dining table.
Luna:so,what you got for us?
Leo:Oh,nothing much.Some rice that Y/N brought home,Namazu sushi and fruits.Is that enough for both of you?
Y/N:good enough.Oh yeah, it's the first time I see someone makes sushi out of catfish.You'll love it, Luna.
Luna:I hope so.
All of them enjoyed every chunk of food that Leo made and it was magnificent!The sun sets right after we finish eating.
Leo:well,this is a perfect timing.I wanna show you guys something.Will you guys come?
Y/N:Wait,Luna isn't in a good condition right now, right?
Luna:I don't mind.I'm stronger than I look, remember?
Luna:I'll be fine! me up okay?
Y/N:whatever you say.
Leo leads both of the girls outside of his shack and climed a small cliff.
Y/N:don't you think this place is a little bit...well, you know...pitch black?
Leo:don't worry,we're here already.
Leo:Yes,so keep quiet or I'll throw you back in the shack.
The three of them waited.Later,stars starts to shine the dark night.The fog that surrounds us slowly starts to fade away.A small town showed up out of nowhere,with bright loghts and crowds singing and cheering from afar.
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Leo:It's a bad thing that both of you will leave.At least I can show you the beauty of this place as a memory.
Luna:Well,you don't mind if we stay a liiiiiiitle bit longer, right Y/N?*puppy eyes*
Y/N:save those eyes,mate.Take your time.We're just having fun.
Luna:Yeay! don't mind about it right,Leo?
Leo:No,no,no.Be my guest.It has been such a long time since the last time I have living things in my home.It's very good to be accompanied here.*smiles*
Y/N:So...what is this place, anyways?looks like a ki-
Leo:kingdom.Yeah,I belong there.It's really a crowd down there, so I decided solo, you know.Be a lone wolf.So I decided to build this place and live my life.Well,enough talk about me.I know both of you are tired right? Let's have a rest.
All of us went inside and Leo went to the kitchen cleaning the table.Both Luna and Y/N went to their bed and stare on the ceiling.
Luna:I'm so happy that Leo saved our life.But...who-
Luna peeks on Leo from afar and sees that he slowly turns red and rushes to his room.
Luna:Hey,Y/N.Do you think that Leo can hear us talking from here?
Y/N:from the loudness of you talking, I guess not.Why?