-Chapter Thirteen-

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Y/n woke up and see that no one was besides her.Luna is helping Leo making breakfast.She jumps from her bed and wnt straight to them.

Y/N:Luna,how could you let me sleep peacefully just now?I wanna help you too! Don't tell me that both of you are...da...ting?

Luna:What?No!I let you rest a little more because I know you're tired from wandering off to find food yesterday.

Y/N:Um..so...what are you two making?

Leo:breakfast.Don't you see?

Y/N:chill!*looks away*

Leo:What?I was just kidding.Some sunny side up eggs and bread.I cut some watermelon for you.I know you love 'em.

Y/N:*snatches watermelon* apology accepted.

Leo:Well,we've run out of food again.Would you-

Y/N:Sure!I would love to. *fake smile*

Leo:that's the spirit.

Y/N quicky rushes towards the door and head out.

Y/N:I'm heading out! See you guys soon!

Luna:Okay,what's the-

Y/N vanished without letting Luna finish her sentence.

Luna:um...what's got into her?

Leo:*laughs* just let her be.

Y/N walked at the same path where she met Aries.She was suprised that she actually arrived at Aries's hanging spot in just seconds.She sense something fast is heading towards her.She grabs it without hesitation.Turns out, it was a mangosteen. Aries pat her on the back and made her stutter a little.


Y/N:not really.Did you throw this at me?


Y/N:and why did you do that?

Aries:just to test your instincts.plus,I'm the fastest human being you'll ever find.I know you didn't realise I was sneaking behind you right?


Aries:so,may we?

Y/N:oh yeah, about that.We're actually going to head out soon so I don't have much time to hang out with you.Maybe this might be the last time I hang out with you?

Aries:aw...we're just going to get to know each other.

Y/N:speaking of knowing each other,I know that...you're not a regular human, are you?

The wind starts to surrond both of them and made Aries giggle a little.

Y/N:what's so funny?

Aries:ouh,nothing.Well,there is something that you should know about me.I am actually the guardian of the forest.I speak to the trees and the spirits that lives here.Turns out, they are starting to like you.That's why you can find this place easier than before.The forest trusts you to see me so they guide you towards me.

Y/N:I think I heard about these rumors...wait...so that means, you're a phoenix right?

Aries:what?I don't know where you heard about me,but I'm just a regular human.What did you know about me, anyway?

Y/N:ouh...I heard that there's a creature that protects the forest from any harm,so the forest protects it too.And I just assume that you're a phoenix for no reason hehe~

Aries:so...what about you?I have the feeling that you're in disguise right now.

Y/N:okay,alright.You got me.I'm actually a...phoenix.But because I'm injured in this human form, I can't turn into a phoenix...yet.Well,I guess that's all from me.Let's have some fun, shall we?

Aries:Let's go.

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