-Chapter Six-

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Y/N wakes up in the morning with Luna sleeping next to her, noticed that her phone is ringing.She takes her phone and looks at the alarm reminder labeled "class!!!".She dosed off a little and startled as she realises that both of them have an additional class at school.Y/N puts her hand on Luna's shoulder and gently wakes her up.

Y/N:Luna...wake up.

Luna:*yawns* what up, sis?*slowly goes to sleep again*

Y/N:Hey...wake up! We have class today. Don't you remember?

Luna:What time is it now? *streches*

Y/N:OH SHOOT.It's almost 8.Class starts in half an hour. C'mon,let's go!

Luna:Last one comes to school is a rotten slimy egg!


A/N:I bet both of you will be late because you guys are too dumb to remember that you have class today *laughs*

Y/N and Luna:Shut up!

A/N:Okay,okay.Sheesh!Someone-or something-is having a bad temper today.

Luna:You think?!

In the end, A/N was right.Both Y/N and Luna got detention and they have to stand outside of their class the whole school day. Well, at least they can hang out with each other (because their class is next to each other's)

Luna:Well,both of us got busted.So,wanna fly again tonight?

Y/N:Of course I want to! Flying never gets old *smiles*

When the first recess almost ends, Y/N felt something strange just pass by her. is it a scent? Or a vibe? She can't confirm what she just noticed.Later then,her name was called somewhere in the distance.

Luna:Y/N,are you okay?

Y/N:*Shakes head* yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Luna:Something's a bit off about you today.I called you a few times but you didn't notice. Are you daydreaming?

Y/N:I'm not sure.Do I look like I'm daydreaming to you?

Luna:Probably.Or...you're exhausted because you've been standing for a long time. Here, I got you some bread and a bottle of water for you. Eat up before recess ends.

Y/N:Thanks.What about you?

Luna:I ate on the way here.Now hurry! We need to continue our detention soon.

Y/N munches on the bread that Luna gave her and she can't stop thinking about what she felt before. It seems... familiar to her. She accidentally dozed off until she got caught by her teacher.She snatched Y/N's unfinished bread and throw it into the bin.Luna makes her sad face to Y/N to show that she's worried.Y/N shakes it off and she smiles at Luna.

After school...

Y/N packs her stuff and waits for Y/N in the main hall because she said she needs to complete her homework first. While waiting, Y/N saw a crowd of students gather at the front gate.Y/N glanced at the student in front and she saw the kid was pushing something. It looks like... a barrier?Y/N rushes at the gate and bumped into something-something invisible. Turns out, it really was a barrier!Y/N was shaking and worried as she had seen the barrier before.

Y/N:Oh no,thus can't be happening.Gotta find Luna before he finds us!

Y/N rushes back to the school hall to see Luna just walks out from her class.Y/N waved at Luna rapidly to get her attention.All of a sudden,the ground shook.Those who stood fell down.Such a powerful earthquake! Or is it?

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