#1: How you met

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How you met eachother

He was always that nice and populair boy in your math class. You always looked forwarth to that time of the day, because then you could look at him. You actually never dared to talk to him before, but today you wanted to try. So you walked into your mathclass and go sit on your place, and without knowing what happened, Charlie came sit next to you! First you were shocked that he would do that, but then you realised that you have been staring at him and so you just said: "ehh..hi Charlie". He looked up at you and said hi back. Then he complimened you on your new shirt that you actually was wearing for him. You just blushed. In that class you get to know him much better and when you were at home starting at your mathhomework, you saw that he had written his number on a paper in your book. You couldn't stop smiling and immediatly texted him. Since then you had been talking non stop.

Since you were a huge starbucks fan, you went to starbucks everyday after school to make your homework or just listen to music and have a lovely drink. Today was one of those days, so you ordered your favorite drink and sat down at a nice place in the corner. When you got your drink, you putted your headphones in and played off your favorite music. You started your homework. Then you wanted to grap a new pencil, but you couldn't find your etui. You looked up and saw a guy sitting right in front of you with your etui. You looked at him and said: "ehm.. hi, can I have my etui back please?". He looked up at you and said: "Hi, I'm Reece and you get your etui back if you tell me your name". He smiled at you. You laughed at said: "Well Reece, my name is (Y/N)". He smiled widely "What a beautifull name". After that conversation, you talked over everything. At the end, when you had to go home, he asked you for your number and that night you didn't get much sleep, because you was texting with Reece.

You knew James from your friend. Your friend was having her 18th birthday in a few weeks and she was giving a huge party in her backyard. She wanted to invite all her friends and some other people she knew. Finally, at the party, you had really much fun with all the people. You were in the middle of a dance when your friend patted your shoulder. "(Y/N), James is already the hole night staring at you! I think you should just go and talk to him." You looked at James and caught him staring at you. You walked towarts him and started talking. That night became one the best party's you have been to.

It was Saterday and you and your friends were preparing to go to a dance club in London. You were really excited, because you really liked nights like this. Once you get to the club, you could already hear the music from outside the building. You and your friends went inside and ordered some drinks for you all. After you had your drinks done, you get to the dance floor and started dancing. You were having fun and while you were dancing, you had eyecontact with some really handsome guy at the bar. After a while he walked to you and started dancing with you. You were just laughing and having fun, until he started talking to you. "Well, now I know you are a great dancer, I would love to know your name". He said that with a cheeky smile on his face. You laughed and said: "I know I'm a great dancer and my name is (Y/N)" He laughed at your response and said: "By the way, my name is Casey".

Barclay was already your friend since you were 5. Once you went with your mother to the local playground. Because you were alone, you were just playing with your toys in the grass. Barclay came to you and you played together. You were friends for a long time, but when you moved to an oter city, you lost contact. You missed the friendship with Barclay really bad. So after 5 years you and your parents decided to move back to your hometown. When you were settled, you decided to go to the shoppingmal. You were walking in and out the shops, when you bumped into Barclay. He was really happy that you were back. After that you immediatly became friends again.

You were a massive fan of Ed Sheeran, so you were really excited when you heard that he would give a concert near by your place. You and your best friend got some tickets for the concert and were ready to go. The night of the concert you and your friend got to the building and find your seat. When you were all settled down and ready to see Ed, someone spild all of his drink over your shirt. You were shocked and looked up to the one that spild his drink. You saw a pretty handsome guy looking shocked at you. "Omygod, I'm so so sorry!" He had a cute Irish accent, so you couldn't be mad at him. You said that it wasn't a big deal, because the drink he had was just water. He sat down next to you and you talked all the concert long. After that evening you two became really close friends.

You and your brother were planning to go to the tattooshop that afternoon. You were really nervous, because you were going to get your first tattoo ever. It was going to be just a little one at your wrist, but still, you were nervous. When you got at the tattooshop, your brother went first to get his tattoo. You were just sitting in the waiting room and looking around you when a boy with earrings and tattoos came sit next to you. He looked at you and said: "First tattoo?" You blushed and said: "Yeah... Actually" He chuckled a bit and said: "You don't have to be nervous, it doesn't hurt at all". You sighed at his response and you started talking with him over random things, until it was your turn. Then the nerves started kicking in again. Jake looked at you and said: "I'll come with you if you want?" You just nodded your head. When the tattoo was being set, you and Jake were in the middle of a random conversation and before you knew it, it was over. After that day, you and Jake started talking more and more.

You had a youtube channel, were you maked daily vlogges and shared your music with everyone. Also you watched video's from other youtubers. So also the covers from Tom. You really liked listening to his voice and you loved his covers. One day you got a message from Tom saying: "Hi (Y/N), I really like watching your daily vlogges and your music style! I thought, maybe we could meet up some time soon?" You smiled at the thought that Tom messaged you and that he watched your videos, so that week you two met up at the local cafe and you really had a fun day. After that day you two met up a lot.

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