Tom Imagine for borah1999

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I woke up just as usual, but then I realised, that today is my 18th birthday! I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. Once in the living room, I realised that I was home alone and that I had to be at school in an hour. So I ran back to my room, pulled my outfit on, applied my makeup and cleaned myself up. Then I was done to go to school. I will just eat my breakfast in the bus. I got my stuff and unlocked my phone, to see that I only had a few birthday messages from my best friends. That made me a bit sad, because I thought Tom already messaged me, but I was wrong. You see, Tom is my beautiful boyfriend. We already have a relationship of 2 years, and we are really happy together. That's why I thought he would at least message me on my birthday. But I think I give him a chance, it's just the start of the day.
Once in school, everybody congrated me and everybody was nice as always, but still no Tom. At the end of school, I went back to my house and got some of my birthday cake. Then the doorbell rang. It was my best friend. "Hey Deborah! My birthday girl! How are you doing? I hope your fine, because you are going with me now" She smiled at me and pulled me with her, so I was now outside. She closed the door and started walking. She told me that we were getting shopping for my birthday. Actually I really had fun with just fitting on clothes and make fun of eachother. Then it was time to go home. She walked with me back to my home. When we got back at my home, no lights where on. That's strange, because usually my mom or dad would be home at this time. I opened the door and we walked inside. Then, when I opened the door to the living room, I was shocked by all of my friends and family screaming: "SURPRISE!!" I was still shocked when I saw that Tom came walking to me "Happy Birthday princess" and with that he gave me the prettiest necklace I have ever seen in my hole life. I blushed and he softly kissed me on my lips. Everything I thought about him today, was forgiven. Now I knew that he was the perfect Mann.

I hope you like it Deborah!
Have you seen the photo in the top? I really reallly like that picture 😊
Love, Fleur💖

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