Surprise - James Graham

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"So you are going to pick me up on the airport?" I ask Casey on the phone.

"No Jake is coming to get you, because I am going to disrtact James." He sighes deeply when he said that.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Is something wrong Casey?" It stays silent for a few moments before he answers. I am beginning to get really worried right now.

"No, it's just, he really misses you Y/N. He doesn't talk or eat much and I bet he doens't sleep much either." I begin to tear up when I hear this, because it's the exact same with me.

"I know Casey, I miss him too" it stays silent for a few minutes, you both just thinking in your own world.

"Y/N, I have got to go, I will speak you tomorrow alright?"

"Yeah sure, see you tomorrow" and with that you end the conversation and throw your phone on the couch. You plop down next to your phone and run a hand through your hair.

You are getting tired of all this. You just want to be with your boyfriend, and not having to talk to him with 1000 miles between you.

Yes, of course, you talk everyday and you skype every night, but it just isn't the same.

So when your boss gave you 2 weeks extra vacation, you didn't think twice begore you called Tom to ask him if you could come. It was meant to be a surprise for James, so you haven't told him yet.

Now, you were sitting on the couch with your suitcase in front of you, waiting untill it was time to go to the airport. I check my phone for the last time, before standing up and going outside to get my car. I lock the door behind me and walk to my car with my suitcase trailing behind me.
I dump my suitcase in te back of the car and step in myself.

Let the journey begin.


"Gosh Jake, where are you" I mumble quietly to myself. I just landed in New York and the flight was horrible. James is lucky I love him so much, because otherwise....

"Y/N!" My head shots up to the sound of my name. Jake. Finally.

"Jake!" I run to him, which goes difficult with a suitcase behind you, and give him a hug.

"I missed you, shortie" I mumble in his shirt. Jack was basically my best friend out of the band, so we were really close.

"I missed you too" I pull away from the hug and we start walking towards the exit from the airport.

"So what's the plan?" I turn to Jake.

"You are going to stand in the crowd watching us, and then we will call you to the stage and then it's just the magic of the moment." He smirks. I slap him jokingly on his chest.

I can't help but smile widely to myself. Tonight, I am going to see my bae again.


Standing in front of the hotel mirror, I search for something to wear tonight. I decide on wearing a white and blue short playsuit and lots of silver bracelets and rings and stuff. I curl my hair in beachy waves and do my makeup lightly.

I look one last time in the mirror and make my way out of the hotelroom.

The boys sended me a driver to drive me to the concert, so when I come outside, he is already waiting for me. I walk up to him and intriduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Y/N" I say with a smile.

"Hi Y/N, my name is William and it's nice to meet you, the boys told me a lot about you" He says with a polite smile. He holds the door open for me and I step inside.

The car has incredibly comfortable seats, so I sit back and casually talk to William.

When we are finally at the arena, I jump outside and William brings me to my place. I place my sunglasses on my eyes and text to tell him I arrived.

The place soon starts filling with more and more girls and then the concert starts.

All the girls start screaming when the music for run begins playing.
I start screaming even more when James begins singing. I also get tears in my eyes and the longer they sing, the more tears come.

Faster than expected, it's time for the last song. I loudly sing along with the lyrics. When the song is over, everyone starts screaming and clapping for the boys.

They all bow in a joking way and Tom steps to the front.

"Thankyou all so much for tonight! You were amazing New York! We love you!" Everyone starts screaming even more.

"But before we go, I want to make a little anouncement." And I now it's my time to go backstage. I make my way out of the crowd and go to the doors that will lead me backstage.

I hear Tom making small talk with the crowd and finally asking James to the front. I watch silently from aside the stage and I see James look confusing.

"So James, how much do you miss Y/N?" I can see James tearing up and the sound of my name and I get tears in my eyes to.

"To much" He answers quietly. He looks down and rubs his eyes.

"What would you do if she would be here right now?" Tom asks James casually. All the while, the crowd stays silent and watches the conversation.

"What do you mean?" James asks Tom with wide eyes.

This my time to go on the stage. I walk up to behind James and stay still.

"I know what he means" I say loud enough for him to hear.

He immidiatly turns around and looks at me with wide eyes and tears in his eyes.

"Baby?" He chokes out, tears streaming over his cheeks.

"Is it really you?" He grabs my face and gently strokes my cheeks. I laugh softly and nod with my head.

"Yes, James, really" He looks at me with a wide smile and then finally kisses me softly. The crowd starts screaming and clapping and it's a magical moment.

"I missed you so much baby" James mumble against my lips. I play with the hair in his neck and peck him on the lips once more.

"I missed you too"



Hey everyone!
I hope you liked it, because I'm planning to do much more of these :)

So, I made a Tumblr, fandombabesx , go follow me there.

And please vote or comment or something, that would mean a lot :)


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