Jake Imagine for steffi_love

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tomorrow it is Valentine's Day, normally you would say that I like that day really much, but no, I don't. It's just that I am alone at Valentine's Day, and I think that will never change.
If you were wondering, yes I have a crush. On no one else then the gorgeous Jake Sims. He is really sweet and actually we are best friends. So I don't think he will have the same feelings for me as I have for him. I really like him, but I can't say that to him, because that would ruin our close friendship...
Valentine's Day
Today it's Valentine's Day and I decided to stay in bed just watching Netflix and eat popcorn. My parents already left early in the morning, so I was home alone, which I didn't mind that much, as I would stay in bed all day. I looked on my phone and saw that I had a message from Jake. "Hey Carmen, Happy Valentine's Day! 😘" I just ignored the text, because I was not in for a conversation about this day with Jake. Just when I was about to start the first movie, the doorbell rang. Damn it, now I have to go out of my bed. I walked downstairs and opened the door. The only thing I saw was a small package on the floor. There was a piece of paper on it. "for the most wonderful girl my life, Happy Valentine's Day" I frowned at the message and thought of who it could be, but I didn't knew anyone, so I just opened it. In the package, was a beautiful painting of a red rose, I really liked it! But I still didn't knew who it was, so I just walked inside and started the film on Netflix. 2 films later, I decided to walk downstairs. That's when I saw a piece of paper on the tabel. I rushed to it. "Dear Carmen, I would love to meet up with you today, so I will be at 3 in the park. I will be on the swing if you can't find me. Xx me" I looked at the message over and over again, until I realised it was real. It was now 2 o'clock, so that means that I have an hour to get ready and get in the park in time. I rushed upstairs and pulled on a cute pink dress and a pair of all stars to make it less girly. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and aplied a bit of mascara and lipgloss on my face. Then I brushed my hair and braided it with a little ribbon on the end. I looked at myself proudly at how I looked. Then I rushed downstairs and grabbed some money, my mobile and purse. I checked to room if I forgot something and then I went outside. I walked to the park and it was just 3 o'clock. I walked to the playground were the swing was and when I saw who was on it, I was shocked. It was Jake. Jake Sims. My crush. I took a deep breath and walked to the swing. I decided to just say nothing as I was to nervous to say anything at this moment. I quickly sat down. Jake looked up and his face blushed as he saw me sitting next to him. I smiled at him. "Did you saw my messages?" I just nodded as I was still to nervous. "I already hoped you would come" He smiled widely. "Carmen, I know it's Valentine's Day, and it sounds as a cliché, but I actually really like you" As he said that he looked at the ground unsure if what I would say. I blushed a deep shade of red and quickly said: "I like you to" He looked up immediatly and said: "Seriously?" I nodded. He stood up and walked to me. Then he kissed my lips softly and tender. I think it was the perfect kiss and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. When he pulled away he said: "I always wanted to do that"


I hope you like it! 😄

Love, Fleur 💖

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