𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕

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Chapter 35

❝Failed Attempt❞

It was the middle of the day now, and Oikawa was planning everything. He wanted every detail to be perfect, to make this day one that you would never forget.

Oikawa had everything ready for the proposal. He had already gotten a private location set for the two of you. He had gotten a bunch of candies, but within one of them, there would be the ring that he would propose with.

Disguised as a candy.

It was the perfect plan in Oikawa's mind, but as most of the time, Iwaizumi said that it might not be the best idea. That's why he decided to call Iwaizumi for some kind of support and reassurance.

The phone continued to ring, and Oikawa was starting to become much more impatient as time went on. The, Iwaizumi did answer the phone, Oikawa exclaimed,

"Iwa-chan, what if it goes all wrong?!" Oikawa shouted into the phone.

"Why are you calling me trashykawa?" Iwaizumi replied, his tone sounding that he was incredibly annoyed with Oikawa.

Like always.

"What if she doesn't want to marry me?" Oikawa shouted into the phone.

"I mean, who would want to marry your flat ass," Iwaizumi replied.

"Hey! My ass is amazing!" Oikawa shouted, defending himself from Iwaizumi's insults.

"Whatever you say," Iwaizumi replied, he sounded as though he did not believe a word that came out of Oikawa's mouth.

"Iwa-chan! You're so mean!" Oikawa whined.

"What's going on?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice still showing signs of annoyance.

"I literally just told you," Oikawa said as his face had a deadpan expression.

Oikawa could feel the anger that Iwaizumi was radiating through the phone and immediately said,

"Sorry! Basically, I'm scared that Y/N would say no to my proposal," Oikawa explained and apologized as quickly as he could.

Iwaizumi sighed and replied,

"You don't have to worry too much. She loves your shitty ass for some reason," Iwaizumi stated.

Oikawa smiled, and even though Iwaizumi could not see his expression, Oikawa said excitedly,

"Thanks Iwa-chan!" Oikawa said.

"Yeah, now leave me alone," Iwaizumi replied.

With that, the call ended, and Oikawa decided to message you.


You're not busy tonight, right?


Nope, what's going on?


Wanna go on a date tonight?


Sure, we can!

Oikawa cheered in his head. He was ready to propose to you and then make you his wife.


You had gotten ready for the date that Oikawa had spontaneously sprouted. Oikawa was in another room of the apartment, getting ready. For some reason, Oikawa was incredibly excited about tonight, though you had no clue why.

"Tooru, are you ready to go yet?" you shouted as you put your earrings on.

Then, you heard a muffled reply which sounded like,

"One minute beautiful," Oikawa replied.

You sighed to yourself and then stated,

"Hurry, you said that we have to be there by 8. It's 7:30 already," you said as you looked at your phone to double-check the time.

"Calm down, beautiful," Oikawa said as he walked into your shared room.

You turned around to face him when you saw him from the mirror. He was wearing a suit and tie, with his glasses. The two of you were very formally dressed.

Oikawa raked his eyes over your body, looking from your shoes all the way to your face. He then breathlessly stated,

"You look amazing," he said.

You moved closer to him to fix his tie and replied,

"Thank you, you look very handsome," you stated as you leaned up to kiss him.

With a smile on his face, Oikawa kissed you back and replied,

"Thank you, beautiful, let's go," he stated. 

The two of you had soon enough made it to the car to go.

The car ride didn't take as long as you had expected. The location that the two of you were in was a restaurant, but it was close to the beach. The ocean could be seen from where you were, and it was in an incredibly private location.

"It's beautiful," you stated with a sigh.

For some reason, instead of a table there, there was a blanket. On top of the blanket was a basket, some glasses, and a bottle of champagne.

"So, I got you your favorite thing," Oikawa stated excitedly.

You started clapping when you heard what Oikawa said, knowing that both you and he knew what he had brought. It was the one thing that brought you two together,

"Yes! Candies!" you said with a smile on your face.

You already started to unwrap one of the candies, but then your phone rang. Oikawa, on the other hand, was getting ready. He had the whole speech planned out.

"What?!" you shouted into the phone.

"I'm sorry to cut our date short, but there's an emergency at work. I need to go now," you said quickly as you gave him a quick kiss.

Oikawa nodded silently at what you said, rushed to pack everything up. The two of you got in the car, Oikawa feeling more dejected than ever after the failed proposal attempt.


I'm mean, so I'm gonna hold off on the proposal from Oikawa.

By the way, what would you want your child with Oikawa to be named? Please let me know in the comments!

CANDY SHOP, 𝘵. 𝘰𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 (being edited and rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now