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Chapter 19


It was school now, and you were waiting outside for your boyfriend to come. As you were lost in thought, you suddenly felt an arm wrap around your waist.

"Hey, beautiful," Oikawa stated as he kissed your neck lightly.

You moved your head to give him the ability to kiss your neck more, loving the feeling.

Oikawa then moved to intertwine your hands, and you smiled at him.

"Good morning, Handsome," you stated.

"Oikawa can we talk, actually?" You asked hesitantly.

You had thought long and hard about this, and you wanted your relationship to be more public now that the two of you do not have to hide in the shadows for your relationship.

"Of course, beautiful, you're not breaking up with me, right?" He asked as he slightly pulled you closer to him.

He had now put his arm on your waist to hold you against him. You laughed a little, giggling and moving your head to rest on his chest.

"Of course not handsome," you stated with a laugh.

Oikawa's tense shoulders relaxed slightly as he realized that you were not leaving him. You started to play with his hair lightly, and he closed his eyes in content.

"I want to tell everyone at school about us," you said.

Oikawa's previously closed eyes had opened due to the surprise that came with the words that you had said.

"I know, I said not yet, but I really want everyone to know about us now," you said as you looked down in slight embarrassment.

You didn't want to see his face, not knowing how he would react. Of course, he said that he wanted everyone to know, but that could have changed.

There was a problem from before, that already happened, with the ice cream shop guy. You did not know if you wanted a repeat of that.

That was when Oikawa wrapped both his arms around your waist and lifted you slightly. You laughed out in shock or surprise, maybe both.

"Of course, beautiful. Besides, all the guys in the school will now know that you are my candy now," Oikawa stated.


"Okay, thanks for walking me to class, handsome," you said as you smiled at Oikawa.

You could almost feel the stares of your classmates from their curiosity. You smiled at Oikawa, and he smiled back.

Then he moved his pointed finger and indicated you to move closer to him, and you did so without a second of hesitation.

He leaned down while you leaned up on your tiptoes, and the two of you kissed lightly.

"I'll see you at lunch?" you asked as you pulled away.

Oikawa smiled at you and replied,

"Of course beautiful," he said.

"See soon," you replied.

He leaned down once again while you leaned up on your tiptoes, and the two of you kissed lightly one more time. Then, when he pulled away, he walked towards his class, leaving you at the door of your class.

You walked to your class, and everyone was staring at you. As you sat down, you looked up and saw that many of your classmates were surrounding you.

"You're dating Oikawa-san," a girl said.

"Why is he dating you?" another girl stated.

"Darn it, I lost my chance," a guy close to your table said.

The people in your class were crowding around your desk, as though something was interesting there, but it was only you sitting there.

"Yes, I am dating Oikawa," you said with your arms crossed.

You leaned back into your chair, and the people surrounding your table were even more surprised as opposed to before. There was little to no reaction from the others at this point.

Soon enough, everyone had left you alone.

This is going to be a long day.


"How's my beautiful girl doing?" Oikawa said as he sat down next to you during lunch.

Oikawa then moved to put his arm over your shoulder, and you leaned against his chest. He kissed your forehead lightly, and then you replied,

"I swear, handsome, because of you, every girl in Aoba Johsai is out to get me," you replied as you put your head in your hands.

"Oh, my poor baby," Oikawa teased.

"Shut up, Trashykawa," you replied with a glare on your face.

"Oh beautiful, you wound me with your words," he said as he placed his hand over his heart.

Then, he moved to kiss your neck playfully, and you shouted in shock,

"Oikawa!" you exclaimed while you laughed.

He laughed with you, and the both of you smiled at each other.

The two had no idea of what their future may hold, but they knew they would get through it together. 

CANDY SHOP, 𝘵. 𝘰𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 (being edited and rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now