𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Sexual themes

Chapter 38

❝Wedding Night❞

You had heard many people wishing both you and Oikawa congratulations. At this point, all you had wanted to do was to go with your husband.

"Come on beautiful," Oikawa whispered in your ear, moving one hand to grip your waist.

You moved your head to lean against his chest and asked him,

"Where are we going?" you asked him.

Oikawa had a smirk on his face, one of intent that you knew very well.

"Well, I think it's time that we celebrate," Oikawa said.


"What do you want to do tonight, I'm up for whatever you want," Oikawa said as he started to take his clothes off.

"I want to be on top," you replied shyly, not knowing how he would react to what you said.

"You sure?" Oikawa asked.

"Yes," you replied.

You took your dress off with Oikawa's help, leaving you in your lingerie set that you had saved for tonight.

"Remember, we're married now. We can do whatever we want," Oikawa said.

He leaned against the headboard and you got on top of him. You raked your nails against his chest, making him lean up slightly towards you.

"Of course," you replied with a smile on your face.

"Now, be quiet," you said as you bent your head down to kiss him.

The two of you connected your lips together, kissing in sync. You started to grind down on him, and Oikawa moved his hands to grip your ass. That made you moan into the kiss, moving your hands to scratch his arms lightly.

You could feel Oikawa start to become hard at your actions. You pulled away for a moment, taking your bra off. The two of you continued to kiss again, and you pulled away again.

"I still can't believe that we're married," you said.

Oikawa moved to kiss your collarbone, moving down to kiss your chest as he continued. You moved your arms to grip his hair.

"Better believe we're married beautiful," he said against your skin.

You continued to moan at his actions. Oikawa began to suck on your chest, leaving hickeys wherever his lips were. He put them wherever he could, wanting the word to know that you were his.

Oikawa's hands moved to your waist, holding you down on him. You continued to let out moans as his hands gripped your waist tighter.

You pulled your body away from Oikawa, his lips following you, but your said,

"I'm sorry handsome, I don't want to wait any longer," you stated.

You reached for his boxers, taking them off with his help. You moved your panties to the side, and you put it in yourself. You began to slowly move up and down.

Oikawa leaned his head back on the headboard, as he gripped your waist. Helping you move up and down. You let out a loud moan, not caring about who heard the two of you.

You moved your hands to his stomach, your head tilted back towards the ceiling.

"Oh my god," you moaned as you increased your movements, going faster.

"That's it," Oikawa grunted as you still didn't make eye contact with him.

Lost in the pleasure that you felt for him.

Oikawa continued to let out small grunts, staring at you as you continued to bounce up and down. He shifted himself on the bed, sitting up straight from the headboard.

You moved your hands to his neck, and that was when one of Oikawa's hands smacked your ass.

You moaned out at the feeling of it, loving the stinging sensation. Oikawa made you move up and down faster, the both of you letting out grunts. You continued to moan loud, no matter if you wanted to be quiet. The two of you were in a missionary position.

"I love you," Oikawa said as he moved with you in his arms, him still inside of you.

"I-i," you tried to reply, lost in the pleasure that you felt.

Oikawa covered your mouth with his hand, picking up his pace, going faster than before. You let out moans in his hands, gripping the sheets as he continued with his pace.

You clenched your eyes shut, gripping onto the sheets with a tighter grip.

Oikawa moved a bit faster, causing the both of you to continue to moan and grunt. Then, Oikawa came inside of you, and you let out a loud muffled moan.

Oikawa pulled away and took his hands away from your mouth. You panted for air, and moved to look at him.

"I love you so much," you said, still catching your breath.

"I love you too beautiful, now give me a kiss," Oikawa stated.

You laughed and moved your body closer to his, giving him a kiss with a smile on your face.

"We're not done yet beautiful," Oikawa growled as he moved again, making you shriek in surprise. 

CANDY SHOP, 𝘵. 𝘰𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 (being edited and rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now