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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


It was morning now, and you were yawning on your way to class. Last night's chat with Oikawa ended way too late for your liking, and now you were incredibly sleepy. The people in your class were crowding around your desk, as though something was interesting there.

Once you had reached, everyone had collectively moved away from your desk.

On your desk, there were a couple of strawberry-flavored lollipops, and you knew just by looking at them who had given them to you.

The guy you promised you would not give yourself to again, Oikawa.

Though, the temptation was always there, especially after last night where the both of you had a conversation that made you feel closer to Oikawa. Paired with this sweet gift, you wanted to give him another reward as you did in the mall's bathroom.

"That damn guy," you said as you looked at the candy in your hand, almost inspecting it.

That was when you had heard the chatter from the other students in your class.

I heard Oikawa gave it to her.

What? No way!

Come on, who wants her?

Even though half of the gossip was from the female population in the class, and many of them were negative comments, you could not find it in yourself to care one bit.





You're welcome beautiful.


You were sucking on one of the lollipops that you had gotten as a gift, satisfied and in a good mood since you had candy with you. The tiredness you had felt in the morning was long gone, and now you were more than energized.

Then, as you had made it to the lunchroom, you saw that Oikawa was waving over and calling you in his direction.

"Hey beautiful," Oikawa said.

The rest of the team had given no mind to what he had said, thinking that it was his usual flirting with their manager. Oikawa then leaned his head down next to your ear and whispered,

"I hope you liked my gift," he said.

The feeling of his breath being so close to your ear made you blush, but you had tried your best to keep your face neutral.

"Thanks again," you replied.

You sat down next to Oikawa, once again no one paying much attention to the both of you. Being flirty with many girls was Oikawa's thing, so the team did not question it.

"Not a problem, beautiful, not one at all," he replied as the two of you had then begun to eat.

The rest of the team was talking in an incredibly energetic manner. You and Oikawa were silent until Iwaizumi called on Oikawa.

"Hey, Trashykawa, why didn't you answer my call last night?" Iwaizumi asked.

Both of you had glanced at each other, knowing that the two of you were up late last night and just talking. You did not want anyone to know that you and Oikawa were getting closer than you would like to admit.

"Iwa-chan, your nicknames hurt me like usual," Oikawa said with his fake crying face.

That was when Iwaizumi gave Oikawa the nastiest glare that he could muster. Somehow a volleyball was already in his hands, and he was ready to throw it at Oikawa's head.

Oikawa put his hands together and said,

"Sorry!" Oikawa said, apologizing before he would get wounded by his best friend.

Oikawa focused on eating, and then he stated,

"Anyway, Iwa-Chan, I was spending some time with a girl," Oikawa said.

This caused your head to turn in his direction, mustering a glare that, at the moment, only Oikawa had noticed. Oikawa gave you a side glance and winked in your direction, making your anger spike more than before.

"Another one of your fangirls, then?" Iwaizumi said, calming down while you, on the other hand, were growing angrier.

Oikawa stared at you a moment, finding amusement in your anger. Then, with a closed eye smile, he replied,

"No way, I wanna make this girl, my girl," Oikawa stated.

This caused the rest of the team to go silent, and then they continued to eat. There was mostly chatter between everyone, and soon enough, lunch was over.


Meet me in the janitor's closet close to the gym after practice; I'm gonna have another visit to my candy shop.

CANDY SHOP, 𝘵. 𝘰𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 (being edited and rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now