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"Why is that funny?"

"Someday, I might tell you."

When my legs are free, I slide them shut, well aware I'm going to have to spread them again, but this time for a stranger with a needle. I'm finally going to get the naughty piercing I've wanted since college but was never brave enough to actually get.

Is that Robyn's doing? Pushing me outside my comfort zone?


And I like it.

Within fifteen minutes, there's a knock at the door and Robyn calls out, "Enter."

The bookcase slides open, and Scar escorts in a woman instead who isn't a stranger.

Robyn pulls him over, whispering fiercely before letting her through reluctantly, eyes red with anger.


Her eyes widen beneath her bright blue bangs. "Holy shit. I didn't see that coming."

"And you'll keep your mouth shut about it," Robyn says to her, her tone threatening. 

Delilah looks from me to her, her posture stiffening. "I'm only doing this if she's willing. If this is something you're trying to force on her, you'll have to find someone else."

Robyn's expression hardens to granite like it did this morning, and I wonder if I'm the only person who sees the other side of her. What Megan told me this afternoon makes me think that's the case, and I'm not sure what to do with that knowledge yet.

"Do you want to live until morning?" Fenty asks Delilah, and she bites down on her lip.

There's no way I'm going to let her hurt her. For the first time, I modulate my tone before I speak to her, in consideration of recent discovery that she isn't the same woman when there's someone else in the room.

"She's a friend. It's okay." I reach out a hand and catch the arm of her suit jacket to give it the slightest tug. 

Robyn drops her gaze to where I'm touching her before dragging it up to my face with a new intensity.

"She won't say anything," I say quietly. 

The weight of her silence nearly crushes us all. Finally, she speaks. 

"Then we have no issue."

When I release my hold on her arm, she flexes her fingers before balling them into a fist. She uncurls them a second later and shoves her hands into the pockets of her suit pants. 

I look across the room to where Delilah stands. Her posture is tense, as if she's poised to run for the exist, and I can't say I blame her. The Fenty she's subjected to is the ruthless bastard everyone else knows.

"I want to do this," I tell her.

"You're sure?"


"Have you been drinking?" she asks.

"No more questions." Robyn snaps out her response.

Delilah glances up at her, only willing to meet her gaze for the barest moment before looking back to me. "It's important to know for bleeding issues."

I answer her. "I'm completely sober."

She gives me a look that says, You might be sober but something is totally fucked up about this situation.

Delilah's not wrong about that.

"Okay, then let's do this, she says with a nod, and Scar hands her the toolbox I didn't notice she was holding until just now. As soon as she hands it off, she leaves the room.

Within a few moments, I'm again lying back on Robyn's desk, this time of my own volition. Either that or I'm losing my fucking mind. It could be either at this point, honestly.

Delilah has me sanitized, prepped, and ready a few minutes later, and Robyn stands beside the desk, next to me.

When I catch sight of the long thick needle that's going to push through a very sensitive part of my anatomy, the jewelry threaded on one end, gold with emerald crystal as requested, I start to second-guess my decision. 

"Just take a few deep breaths in and out for me," Delilah tells me, like we're sitting in Voodoo Ink and this isn't some crazy house call. "It's not nearly as bad as what you're imagining. I promise."

I breathe as she instructed, but I'm still freaking out inside.

"Okay," Delilah says. "I'm going to tell you to take a deep breath in through your nose and then blow it out through your mouth, and we'll be done before you know it. Deep breath in," she orders, and my hand snakes out beside me, clamping around Robyn's fingers as I comply. "Now, blow it out."

I grip her hand as I do it, and she squeezes back.

The sting is there and gone in an instant.

"And you're almost done." Delilah's tone is congratulatory. "Just let me unscrew this and get the end of the jewelry tightened down, and you'll be good to go."

I loosen my hold on Robyn's hand, but she doesn't let go. I tell myself it's because my lungs are still heaving at a rate likely to cause hyperventilation.

After a few more efficient movements, Delilah stands and snaps off her latex gloves. Robyn drops my hand instantly.

"You're all set. I can leave after-care instructions for you. But one thing . .  ." Her gaze darts to Robyn for a second before returning to me. "You're going to want to be gentle with it for a few days. It'll be healed within a week, but  . . . take it easy for a couple of days. You'll know if you overdo it. And you also know where to find me if you have any issues or questions."

I flip my skirt down and close my legs. "Thank you. You're pretty good at that."

Delilah shrugs. "Somehow, I always get stuck doing the piercings, but this is a pretty easy one. So much less painful than the nipples."

My gaze shifts to Robyn's, and I hope she's not getting any ideas. I'm a big fan of my nipples exactly the way they are.

"No, thank you," I say with emphasis. "I'm not piercing those."

"Good." She looks at the panel that conceals the hidden door where she entered. "Now, how the hell do I get out of this place?"


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I changed my mind and decided to have her be the peircer!

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