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Follow me 💓

Okay...so don't judge me for what's going to happen later on in this chapter. 🌚

When I wake, it's not because of sunlight cutting through the cheap plastic blinds of my bedroom, but a nightmare that jerks me out of a dead sleep.

The room is pitch black, but my heart hammers as I reach for the beside lamp. Instead of the rickety wooden nightstand I got at Ikea, my fingers graze cool marble.

Oh. Shit.

It wasn't a nightmare.

Finally, I find a switch, and a soft glow fills the black, white, and, gold bedroom.

There's no clock. I have no sense of whether it's night or day because there are no windows. Only a locked door, without the accompanying key.

And no freaking clothes except for my trench coat. Smart, Onika. Really freaking smart. I don't even have my purse. Scar must have left it in the car.

I yank the sheet from the bed and wrap it around my body before heading to the bathroom. I glance at the mirror, wincing at my appearance. My eye-liner is smeared beneath my eyes in dark circles, and my hair is as much of a rat's nest as one would expect, given the way I tossed and turned in the throes of the nightmare.

Except it wasn't a nightmare. It's my new reality.

I leave the expensive products untouched, wanting nothing from Rihanna but my freedom. That's all I want, and will find a way to get it. Today.

When I turn in the direction of the bedroom, something else catches my eye. A black silk robe hanging on a hook near the glass shower enclosure. It wasn't there last night.

Someone came in while I slept.

The realization hits me with stunning and skin-crawling clarity.

I rush back through the bedroom and out into the sitting area, and sure enough, there are silver-covered dishes on a table with a note.

Eat. Shower.
Ready yourself in accordance
with the instructions on the
beside table if you want to
leave these rooms today.

The scrawl is familiar and carries no signature.

What instructions?

I turn back to the bedroom and check the table with the lamp I turned on. It's bare.

The other nightstand however, is not. There's a black lacquered box.

How the hell did I miss that?

My throat goes bone dry as I swallow and step closer to the box, almost as afraid to lift the lid as I was the last one. But the note said if you want to leave these rooms today, and God knows I do.


I open it and stare at the contents. It's a black and gold...sex toy? It looks like a vibrator but it has a looped cord attached at the gold end,  and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what that's for. And yet she was thorough enough to leave a note for me anyway.

This will fill your pussy until I let you take my cock.

Let me?

Let me?

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