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Onika Maraj

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As soon as the door is closed, I run to grab my purse and my phone. I have zero cell service and no Internet connection, both of which must be controlled by Fenty. I wait about two minutes before I head for the door and try the knob.

It turns freely.

In her fury, the all-powerful Robyn Fenty forgot the most important thing--you can't keep an unwilling prisoner in an unlocked cell.

I dash into the hallway, retracing the path we used last night until I reach the courtyard. The hallways are silent and empty, and I don't give a damn if the cameras catch me. My goal is to be out of the gate and gone before she can reach me.

I don't know if it's the good Lord smiling down on me or a twist of fate finally working in my favor, but the courtyard gate is secured with a double dead bolt from the inside and not a key.

As soon as I hit the cracked sidewalk of a familiar block of the French Quarter, I take my first breath of freedom, but I know I can't waste any time appreciating it. I sprint down the street to one where I know there will be cabs waiting, expecting Robyn or Scar to yank me back into the shadows at any moment.

But they don't.

Probably too busy covering up a double homicide.

I slide into the first cab that stops and give the driver the address to my apartment.

I know it sounds stupid, but I'm hoping Robyn will assume I'm too smart to go there, which will buy me some time. Maybe.

The cabdriver fights traffic while I grasp my apartment keys in my purse until the sharp metal edges make my eyes sting with tears. I have to keep it together, even though I feel like everything is splintering out of control. I can't risk going to the police because I have no idea who is on Robyn's payroll. More than one, I would bet on that.

Nothing is what it seems. Or maybe everything is exactly as it seems. Robyn is the villain here. She manipulated me, and I fell under her spell. End of story. 

As soon as we reach my block, I toss some cash at the cabbie and run up the sidewalk to the door. Again, I'm expecting to be captured at any moment, and God knows what they'll do to me now. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by finding the gun I keep locked in my nightstand drawer. After I have some way to protect myself, I'll find a cop who isn't on Robyn's payroll.

As soon as I step into my apartment, I scan every surface in the open kitchen and living room area. It doesn't look like anyone has been here. 

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