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If you didn't know this was gp, you should really read hashtags and now you know. 💓

Excuse any errors.
Hit that follow button for me. 💓

The meeting won't end. Two top cartel leaders vying for power in my city sit on the opposite side of my desk. They've been arguing  all evening, and I've let them.

Anywhere else, this would end in bloodshed, if they would have even agreed to be present in the same room, but they wouldn't dare here. If they want to do business in New Orleans, they go through me or not at all.

I already know what deal will be sealed before they leave the room, because I decided yesterday. I don't care that the Mexicans think they're all powerful. In my city, there is only one person who holds that much power, and that's me.

Rule with fear, but gain respect through actions.

That's what I've done for almost twenty years since that piece of wisdom was imparted upon me by a dying cartel jefe the CIA set up for retirement in New Orleans. He also sparked the fire in my veins that resulted in me seizing control of an empire.

After that, my life became something I could never have imagined.

CIA.   NSA.   FBI.   DEA.   ICE.   Cartels.   Mafia.   Yakuza.   Bratva.

Now I work with them all, and the most important thing I've let learned is power is the only thing that matters. Most men and women have too many weaknesses to hold on to it for long.

Vin steps into the room and nods at me. (Vin diesel plays Scar.)

The anticipation I've been holding at bay all night rises to the surface and I shove it down.

The Mexicans continue arguing and in my boredom, I allow my gaze to wander to the monitor on my desk showing various camera angles, specifically the room where I had Vin take her.

Would she be frantically searching for an exit? Vin didn't text that there were any problems with the pickup. No indication she'd resisted.

There she is. She rips the hood from her head and her wild black curls spill free.

I tear my eyes from the screen and drag them back to the Mexicans as they argue some more. I listen with one ear, interjecting as necessary to keep it somewhat civil, but I find my gaze drawn to the screen again.

She hasn't started yanking books from shelves to find a way out. That's at least interesting. But she's a fascination that will lose its luster just as fast as any other.

After a few years at this level, everything ceased to become a challenge for me. I've been bored for nearly two decades, but I'm hoping this fiery midget provides at least some diversion before I lose interest.

I'm ready for this meeting to be over. They've drawn it out long enough.

I study the men across my desk with disgust. Two of the most feared men in the Mexican drug trade, and I, a woman, could execute both of them in my office and no one could touch me for it.

When you gain the reputation of having no limits, no weaknesses, and are willing to flood the streets with blood, people don't test your boundaries or break your rules.

Part of me is disappointed that Onika Maraj didn't put up more of a fight. I thought that Trinidadian in her might come roaring to the surface, but apparently not.


I turn my attention partially back to the discussion, at least until she turns to face the camera directly, like she's found the lens and knows I'm watching her.

Her expression fills with defiance as she reaches for the belt of that
ugly-as-sin trench coat, and I watch with rising interest.

When she whips it off her body, dropping it to the floor, my dick twitches against the silk lining of my suit pants.


A smile tugs at my lips.

Maybe she's not a disappointment after all.

She's also completely stolen my attention from the conversation happening in front of me, which is unacceptable.

I will make myself wait. It doesn't matter that she's standing butterball naked in my library, wearing only the high heels I sent, her head held high and proud.

She will wait. Business always comes first.

Then she turns, stealing my attention once more.

My dick jerks again as she gives me a clear view of that perfect peach of ass I now own.

At the bottom of her back, in the tramp-stamp region, are block letters that I don't recall seeing mention of in any of the information I'd gotten on her, and certainly not in any photos.

With a flick of my wrist, I click the frame and zoom in, ignoring the argument in front of me completely.

A growl fills my throat and fire burns in my gut as I make out of the words.

Property of No BITCH

Onika Maraj, you are definitely no disappointment after all. Let's see how long that lasts.

She's officially shattered my concentration, which is something she'll pay for, but this meeting is over. I stand.

"Gustavo, you take the heroin and weed. Eduardo, you get coke, pills, and meth."

Both men jerk their heads in my direction.


"Do you want to see your side hoe tonight, Gustavo? Because if another goddamn word comes out your mouth, I will put a bullet in between your eyes and send her your dick in a box."

His teeth clack shut, and I look to Eduardo. "Any complaints?"

"No. My organization will make it work."

"Good, then we're done here."

My eyes snap back to the monitor and the woman whose arms are crossed behind her back, both middle fingers extended.

My nostrils flare.

No one would dare. Not even these two bastards in front of me who have hung bodies of innocents from bridges in Mexico for no more reason than to instill fear.

It seems my original instincts about Onika Maraj were right. There's a fire burning in her that I've never found in another woman.

It's time to see my latest acquisition.


If you're still in school, what are your schools saying about students attending?

Keep or delete?


What did y'all think of the henna tattoo?

Robyn doesn't know it's fake yet.

What do you think she'll do when she gets there?

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