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Vote, Comment, Follow<3 melaninispower

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After Delilah leaves, Robyn escorts me back to my room, and it's the first time I'm allowed to walk through the maze of hidden passageways and stairs with my sight intact. However, most of my attention is focused on the new sensitivity between my legs. With each step, my clit seems to swell and my body heats.

Spontaneous orgasms aren't really possible, right?

I push the thought away and think of something else. Like the fact that something shifted in Robyn's office as Delilah pierced me. 

For the first time ever, I touched her voluntarily, and I know Robyn didn't miss that fact. Maybe that's why I'm being granted the privilege of being able to see where my room lies in relation to what I assume is Robyn's inner sanctum.

It doesn't take me long before I realize this isn't one building, it's multiple buildings connected by corridors and stairs, built at least a hundred years before I was born. My best guess? We;re somewhere in the French Quarter, and when we walk through an open courtyard, I can hear the sound of revelry not far away.

Which means the building or buildings are most likely soundproof

Good to know. I also spy a wrought-iron gate at the back of the courtyard and catch a glimpse of taillights as a car drives by on either a street or alley. 

"I won't fuck you tonight, unless you think your ass is ready after spending the morning wearing that plug."

The though of the car and gate vanishes from my head as I jerk my gaze up to Robyn's.

"Uh, that would be a hard no, chief.

A chuckle leaves her lips as she leads me into another building, and I'm guessing this one is where my suite is housed. We climb two more sets of stairs before we reach the internal set of rooms. 

Robyn opens the door and gestures for me to enter before following me inside. "Then we better step up your training. Use the facilities if you need them, then I want you bent over the end of the bed, naked and waiting."

"What?" I sound shocked because tonight has already been overwhelming enough. 

"How else am I gonna stretch your ass to fit my dick if you don't take a thicker plug?"

"It's only been one day! This is a process. It should take weeks."

She reaches down an grasps the thickness pressing through her suit pants. "You've got three days, and I'm being generous. Now, go."

Her tone, softer than what it was in the room with Delilah present, still invites no argument. And here I thought something had changed. Apparently, I was wrong.

I take care of my business in the bathroom, sucking in a breath as my new jewelry connects with my clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. 

Oh, good God. Maybe that spontaneous orgasms thing is true? I could be okay with that.

I walk out of the bathroom to find Robyn standing with another box in one hand and lube in the other.

"The longer you wait, the less you're going to enjoy this."

I bite my lip because I'm already turned on because of the new piercing, but also what came before. I bend over the end of the bed, for the first time realizing it's the perfect height for her to fuck me like this.

I wonder if that's intentional?

"Good girl. Lift your skirt and show me that fat ass." Her dirty words are my undoing every time. 

I comply, because I can't not. It doesn't make sense, but that's how I feel as I squirm on the bed, bumping the new jewelry, sending jolts of pleasure zing out from my clit through the rest of me.

"Fuck, I don't know what turns me on more. When you fight me or when you obey." Her palm strokes my ass almost reverently. "As much as I want to fuck you right now, I won't. But I'm sure as hell not waiting a week for my pussy."A cold drizzle of lube hits my crack, and Robyn spreads it around my hole. 

Now that I know what's coming, I try not to tense. I can't say that I didn't enjoy this earlier today, even when I wanted to hate it.

As she rims the pucker with lube, she presses against it with a finger until it gives away with less resistance. "No longer completely virgin territory, but it won't be official until I'm up inside it." Her lubed finger slides inside to the second knuckle, and I fight the urge to press back against it. "After this plug, you'll take two fingers and I'll stretch you more. Eventually I'm going to fit, and you're going to fucking love it."

I believe her, and that scares me more than any butt plug ever could. She removes her finger and lubes up the plug, pressing the tip against me.

"Press your pussy against the bed and then push out as I slide it in. This one's thicker, but still not as big as me."

I do as she says, the pressure on my new jewelry unleashing a torrent of sparks from my clit as she presses the plug inside, fucking me slowly with it.

"My little devil is finally acting like a good girl. Finally taking what I give you. Letting me fuck your ass. Piercing your clit. Bending you over my lap."

Her words throw me over the edge into orgasm with a wail. My own cries almost drown out her words, but I still catch them.

"Sweet fucking Christ, I want you so much right now, but--" She cuts off her own words an seats the plug with a final push. 

As I release a breathy moan, Robyn flips down the skirt of my dress, turns, and is at the bedroom door before I stand up.

All I catch is the sight of her perfectly tailored suit coat stretching  across her shoulders as she strides away But she doesn't make her usual silent exit.

This time, the door slams, and I'm left more confused than I've been yet.

A new tingle pulses between my legs, but it's not my accessories causing the confusion. No, that's due to one very specific woman who I don't have the urge to curse to the devil for the first time since this all began.



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I did not proof read!

Vote, Comment, Follow<3 melaninispower

Excuse any errors!

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