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I don't need to picture the rage on her face when she reads the bullshit legal document I had prepared for our meeting. It's evident on the monitor on my desk as she crushes it in her clenched fists.

Onika Maraj was an easy target. Full of righteous indignation and a fire I'll enjoy having beneath me.

It amuses me that she thought she could make demands. Grown men with brass balls the size of boulders wouldn't dare. That's why she's a fascination. An oddity.

That's all she is.

Entertainment. A piece of property to amuse me for a short time.

I want her willing. I refuse to let it be any other way.

Even defiant and angry, she responded to me like an instrument to a savant. I'll tame that fire. Bend her to my will.

My dick hardens for what seems like the dozenth time tonight as I picture her submitting to my every command.

That ass.

That chest.

That tight pussy.

Property of no Bitch?

Onika Maraj is mine.


Hope you enjoyed this very short filler. Next update should be Monday if I don't have any plans.


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What do you think Nicki is doing right now?

If you can guess my book is predictable and I'm ashamed.

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