⁵▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Trying to lift Thor's hammer

If you watch the video just pretend that the exchange of words between Natasha and Bruce never happened.

All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story

{Clint} "But it's a trick." Clint said twirling a drumstick between his fingers.

{Thor} "No, no, it's much more than that." Thor said clinking beer bottle with Steve's.

{Clint} "Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power. Whatever, man! it's a trick."

{Thor} "Please, be mu guest." He laughed gesturing to the hammer. "Come on."

{Clint} "Really?" 

{Thor} "Yeah." Clint gets up and walks towards the hammer.

{Rhodey} "Oh, this is gonna be beautiful."

{Tony} "Clint you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Small chuckles of laughter escaped everyone's mouth.

{Clint} "You know I've seen this before, right?" He said eyeing Thor, as he nodded his head. You watch as Clint grabs hold of the handle and struggle to lift it up. "I still don't know how you do it!" He chuckled.

{Tony} "Smell the silent judgement?"

{Clint} "Please, Stark, by all means." He said gesturing to Tony. Tony stands up and walks to Clint.

{Tony} "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." He said walking to the hammer. You sat there watching as he put the band around his wrist. "It's physics. Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?"

{Thor} "Yes, of course."

{Tony} "I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta" He said confidently. You watched in amusement as he to could not lift the hammer. "I'll be right back." A minute later Tony came back with his Iron Man glove on. Somehow he is still not able to  lift the hammer. Rhodey soon joins wearing his glove.

{Rhodey} "Are you even pulling?" He said as they tried to lift the hammer together.

{Tony} "Are you on my team?"

{Rhodey} "Just represent. Pull."

{Tony} "Alright, let's go." He said as they both strained trying to lift it.

{Bruce} "AHHHHGGHGHGHGHG!" Everyone was silent and looking at him weirdly. "Huh?"

Steve sits up ready to try and lift the hammer.

{Rhodey} "Go ahead, Steve. no pressure." Steve rolls up his sleeve and you and Natasha just watch him smiling.

{Tony} "Come on, Cap." Steve smiles and pulls on the hammer, Thor smiling in the background. Suddenly, you hear the hammer squeak and move ever so slightly. Thor's smile falters and begins to look quite worried. Everyone stares in hope. Steve pulls on the hammer again, but nothing happens. He lifts his hands up signalling that he had given up.

{Thor} "Haha. Nothing" He laughs.

{Tony} "And, Widow?" He said as Bruce gestured towards her.

{Natasha} "Oh, no, no. That's not a questioned I need answered." She said laying back and taking a sip of her beer.

{Thor} "Looks like none of you are worthy." He smirked, lifting up his hammer with ease.

{Clint} "What about Y/N? She has yet to wield thy hammer." He said smiling at you.

{Thor} "Would you like a go Y/N?" You looked up at him and nodded your head.

{Y/N} "If I do lift up the hammer will you take me to get me my very own one?" You questioned smirking up at him.

{Thor} "Yes, of course. It's not like you will be able to so don't het your hopes up." 

{Y/N} "You seem so smug about this. Can I request more things that you will grant if I lift the hammer?" You watch as Thor nods. "Ooo this is so exciting. Hmm.. Let's see. If I lift this hammer: One, you will take me to get me my very own one. Two, you will finally let Loki sign my boobs and three, you will make me my own throne so I can sit next to you in Asgard. Remember, the throne has to be nice. " You smirk.

{Rhodey} "This girl knows what she wants." He chuckled.

{Clint} "Is no on going to talk about the whole Loki signing her boobs thing?"

{Y/N} "To be very honest I don't know. Loki wants to sign my boobs and Thor wont let him so... "  

{Thor} "That is quite a few requests Y/N. Let me think about it." You smile as you sit back down next to Natasha.

Natasha leans towards you and you can feel her breath on your neck. You shiver at the feeling. "if you lift up that hammer I'll give you a kiss." She whispered seductively in your ear. Your eyes widen and you nod your head slowly.

{Thor} "Y/N I have accepted your requests and you may try and fail to lift the hammer." He announced. You smile and walk up to the hammer. You close your eyes as your hand wrap around the handle. 3...2...1... You let out a shaky breath and lift. Everyone is silent. You slowly open an eye and you see that the hammer is in your hands.

{Y/N} "AHAa! I am worthy! You better fulfil my wishes Thor! You promised me!" You exclaim smiling widely.

You hand the hammer back to Thor and look around the room. Your eyes land on Natasha smiling at you. She pats her lap and you feel your face heat up. You walk towards her and straddle her. Everyone looks at the both of you in silence, confused. You stare into her eyes and she stares back at you. You nod your head and she connects her lips with yours. 

Everyone claps and cheers as you continue to kiss her.

{Tony} "I'm so glad that Y/N lifted that hammer." He said as he continued to stare, at the two of you making out, in awe.


This took absolutely forever! Writing the scene was a nightmare! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovey day or a good nights sleep. Thank you for reading :) AND OMG! 100 reads!  Remember to request just PM me or leave them in the comments.


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