⁴⁵◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Reader has an anxiety attack during an interview.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You suffered from anxiety. Not many knew this about you, being an actor and all, your usual bubbly character lighting up every room you walked into. People liked that about you; it was probably the only thing they liked about you. You also hid it very well, dangerously well. So well people never knew that you were having an attack right in front of them, but sometime they're bad so you end up curling up onto the floor and covering your ears; silencing the world around you.

You were laughing and chatting with the rest of the cast, which included: Robert Downey Jr, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Paul Bettany, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson, behind the set. It was a large interview with quite a large chunk of the actors. You felt the temperature of the room rise slightly, but it was enough to make the room uncomfortably warm. You slipped off your long blazer jacket and held it in your arms. As you immersed yourself in the conversation, someone had come up to you and had offered to take your jacket. You kindly accepted and they took your jacket and left.

Very soon after, everyone was called into the interview. Everyone took their seats; you were sat at the back, in the middle, next to Scarlett. You watched as the first interviewer came in, he introduced himself as Michael and shook everyone's hands. After he had shook your hand, you unconsciously wiped your hands on your thighs; wiping off any sweat you had produced. During Michael's interview you felt your hair stand up on end and goose bumps trailed up your arms. Just a few minutes you were uncomfortably hot and now you were covered in goose bumps.

On the sixth interviewer, you could feel yourself losing interest and you ended up being in a mind of your own. This caused you to become jittery and jumpy, especially when you were asked questions out of the blue. You weren't asked many questions, as you weren't a main character, but when they did you had to ask them to repeat the question because you weren't focused. You started to notice yourself breathing and the others around you. How many times they blinked, how many times they subconsciously scratched their hand, how they cracked a knuckle after they answered a question.

You felt an attack quickly approaching and you reached into your coat pocket to discover that you were no longer wearing a coat. Your heart hammered against your ribs; wanting to escape, as if something was squeezing it. Even though the room was cold you were starting to sweat and your chest started to burn. You started to panic. They weren't normally this bad. You could hear a loud pounding in your ears and thoughts raced around in your brain, sometimes they would crash and explode, cluttering your already messy mind.

Your breaths were shallow and fast and you no longer felt yourself in the room. Like you were a ghost. Suddenly, the room started to collapse in on itself and you started to fall. You couldn't open your mouth and you couldn't scream. All you could hear was the interviewer and their voice echoed. You were like a bystander in your own brain; you could see and hear and feel, but you weren't in control. You were useless.

And then... it stopped. A warm hand wrapped around your wrist; pulling you back into reality, back into control. You looked down and saw the hand before turning your head to see Scarlett softly smiling at you. Your heart still burned and thoughts clouded your head, but it was quieter. It was quieter with Scarlett. It was safer with Scarlett. It was better with Scarlett.

You were able to finish the interviews with Scarlett soothingly tracing delicate patterns across your skin. You were so lucky to have Scarlett and so lucky that she thought the same with you.


I am so sorry that I haven't been updating, but author has been sad and overall un-motivated so this will probably be the only update for a while. Probably but not guaranteed. I hope you enjoyed this update and requests have been closed. Oh! Does anyone have discord? I'm looking to join someone's server. Have a fantabulous day and a fabulous night :)

Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now