¹²▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Tony's secret daughter.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!


"Oh my god!" You groaned, you couldn't find Graham anywhere. Graham was your best friend he would always listen to what you had to say. He was the best listener. Even though he was just a rock, he was still your best friend. Graham was small and you always seemed to lose him. One day your Dad put a tracker inside him, you were so angry that your Dad had performed surgery on him without his Mother's permission, but it was a good idea and you couldn't stay angry at him.

Giving up on your search for Graham you stormed out of your room and made your way down to your Dad. Getting to your Dad was horrible, You swear that you did at least two miles of walking just to get to him. He had put your room so far away from anything, it was like he didn't want anyone to know that you existed; you pushed that thought aside, it was probably because he wanted you to do some exercise. 

While on your way down you decided to explore a little, it was a big place and there was always things to be explored and there was a chance you could find Graham. On your little adventure you came across a locked door.

"JARVIS, why can't I open this door?" 

"It's because it's locked and you do not have the key, Y/N." 

"I know that, but what's behind it? Even though you're a robot you are still somehow funny." You laughed.

"Thank you, Y/N. As for the door I am unable to tell you what's behind it."

You groaned and left, there was no point fighting with JARVIS. Finally, after half an hour (30 minutes) of walking, you saw your Dad. It looked like he was presenting something to people, but he was probably alone; he liked to practice before he did a speech, so why wouldn't a presentation be the same?

"Hey Dad, have you seen Graham? I've lost him again." You said pushing open the door and walking in. Unaware of the multiple people staring at you.

"Dad?" A voice asked, you turned your head and saw a tall muscular man. Your eyes widened when you saw everyone. Then your eyes landed on a gorgeous red-head. She was beautiful, her silky red hair, her forest green eyes, her pink lips, she was the most perfect person you had ever laid eyes on.

"Oh, yes sorry, this is Y/N... my daughter." Tony announced casually.

"You have a daughter! How did we not know that?" A man with glasses asked surprised.

"Everyone, this is Y/N." Tony said gesturing to you, as you waved at everyone. "And Y/N, this is Steve, Bruce, Thor, Clint and Natasha." He said gesturing to them as he said their name. Tall muscular man was Steve, glasses dude was Bruce, taller muscular man was Thor, other dude was Clint and gorgeous red-head was Natasha. That was easy to remember.

You stood there awkwardly, as your Dad continued his presentation. No one was listening to him though, except for Natasha, they were too busy staring at you. They thought you were beautiful and they couldn't take their eyes off of you. You knew that they were staring at you, but it didn't matter, you didn't want their attention. You wanted Natasha's.

Your Dad noticed that no one was listening and looked in the direction they were looking in. His gaze fell on you and his eyes widened. He turned back and sent everyone death glares.

"Y/N, why are you still here?" Your Dad asked you.

"Well, you still haven't told me where Graham is." You said playing with your hands.

"Didn't I install a tracker?"

"You did and it was a great idea, but I lost the remote that tracks Graham." You said smiling at him. Tony put his fingers to his forehead, trying to think of a way to find Graham. His eyes lit up.

"Okay everyone! Meeting's over. We need to find Graham! First one to find him gets a kiss from Y/N!." Tony announced loudly. He looked over to you asking if it was okay and you nodded. All the boys quickly scrambled out of the room in search for Graham. You and your Dad stared at them weirdly. 

Natasha made her way towards you, even the way she walked was pretty this woman just couldn't get any better. She stood in front of you and you gulped looking up at her.

"What is Graham?" Natasha asked. This woman just got better and better. Her voice was so raspy yet silky and you could just listen to her all day.

"Graham is a rock, well more like a pebble." You answered. Natasha nodded her head calmly, but her stomach was full of butterflies. She found it adorable that Graham was a rock. 

"Where did you last see him?" She asked.

"Probably my room." She looked at you asking for your room number. "32Z." 

"Bye~ I'll see you later cutie~." She said walking out of the door. You felt your cheeks heat up at her comment.

"So... who do you want to find Graham, Y/N?" Your Dad asked smirking.

"Natasha. Definitely Natasha." You smiled, watching as she walked further and further away.


I hope you enjoyed this update! I won't be taking anymore requests, as I have quite a few. This request had so much potential, but I squeezed into 800 words. If there is anyway to make my writing better, Please Let Me Know! Remember to vote if you liked it. ONLY IF YOU LIKED IT. P.S It makes me smile :)

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