²⁵◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Just two besties in Hollywood.


All Rights Reserved! This is My Own Story!

A/N: I've never watched the Oscars so I apologize, in advance, if I get anything wrong.

"And Best Actress goes to... Y/N Y/L/N!" You stood up, shocked, and kissed Scarlett on the cheek, as everyone applauded you. You hugged a few other people quickly before making your way to the stage. A kind gentleman helped you up the stairs, you thanked the kind man and made your way to the previous winner. You greeted them and they handed you the Oscar. 

You looked out to the audience then looked down at the Oscar before looking back at the audience with wide eyes, causing them to chuckle. You cleared your throat, away from the microphone, and started your speech. That you should of prepared, but didn't.

"Umm well, thank you for this," You gestured to the Oscar, "Thank you to my Mother who told me not to prepare a speech because there are a lot more better people at acting, here, than me. As you can probably tell, I took her advice." You awkwardly laughed, the crowd laughing with you. 

"Thank you to the Russo brothers for giving me the opportunity of being in the Marvel Universe and thank you to Scarlett Johansson for being my friend..." You smiled, beginning to get nervous.

 "I've run out of things to say, so can I? Can I just-what do I do now?" You questioned looking around, causing another wave of laughter to wash through the audience. The kind gentleman from earlier ran across the stage and retrieved you, walking you back to your seat. You thanked him once again before he stood back at the stairs.

"Your friend?" Scarlett whispered in your ear. 

"What? You want to be more?" You fake gasped, causing her to giggle. The both of you knowing that you weren't just friends.

~Time Skip~ 

Round of applause for the Best Supportive Actress... Scarlett Johansson!" Scarlett stood up and you stood up with her and gave her the biggest hug as you quietly squealed in excitement. You pecked her on the cheek and she gave other people hugs and kissed as well. She made her way to the stairs where the same kind gentleman helped her up the stairs.

She grinned as she held her Oscar in her hands and stood at the microphone. "Thank you so much, I am actually lost for words, I can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who got me here today, I couldn't of done it without you." Scarlett held up her Oscar and walked off the stage. When she got back to her seat you gave her another hug and congratulated her.

You sat in your seat and applauded with a bright smiled every time they announced the winner. Soon the awards had ended and it was time to leave. You walked back to the hotel with Scarlett and entered your shared room together. You put your award safely into your suitcase before capturing Scarlett's lips with yours.

"I'm so proud of you." You mumbled lovingly, as your foreheads rested together and you stared into each others eyes.

"I'm so proud of you too." She whispered back, connecting your lips once again.


Sorry it's been a while since I last updated, I don't know what's wrong with me I've just felt so unmotivated and I have no idea why xD Thank you for reading :)

Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now