¹³▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Tony's secret daughter Part 2.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

Previously:  "Bye~ I'll see you later cutie~." She said  walking out of the door. 

"So... who do you want to find Graham, Y/N?" Your Dad asked smirking.

"Natasha. Definitely Natasha." You smiled , watching as she walked further and further away.


"Y/N, how many times have I told you that how hard you try it will not work." JARVIS sighed, as you tried to pry open the locked door with a crowbar.

"Be quiet JARVIS, I don't need your negative energy." You sassed. "You're corrupting the positive vibrations."

"Wha-" JARVIS began.

"-POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!" You shouted, shutting him up. 

You shoved the crowbar into the door once again. You pulled and pulled and pulled, but to no avail the door just wouldn't open. With all of your strength and pent up anger you pulled for the last time, your feet now off the floor and on the wall, not a single part of your body was touching the ground. With one final tug you felt the crowbar dislodge from the door; resulting in you smashing into the floor. Sitting up, you groaned in pain.

"Do not speak of this to my Dad." You huffed folding your arms across your chest like an angry toddler.

"Of course, Y/N and you are needed back at the meeting room. Graham has been found." JARVIS announced. Your heart fluttered, as you skipped your way to the meeting room, a huge grin on your face. You pushed open the door and your face fell when you were met with a tall, greasy haired man, smirking down at you as he held out Graham. 

"Who are you?" You questioned, staring at the man, confused.

"I am Loki, Prince of Asgard and you are going to award me your kiss." Loki smirked. You turned to your Dad, still confused, but he just put up his hands and backed away slowly. Looking around the room you saw Steve, Clint, Bruce and Thor with annoyed looks on their faces. But no Natasha, she was no where to be found.

~~10 Minutes Earlier~~

After a few minutes of walking Natasha could finally see the door to your room. Using her special key, she was able to unlock your door. She looked through your room carefully, putting back the items she had moved so it looked like they had never been touched. Looking behind your TV she saw a small rock with a smiley face on it. She smiled at it.

"Hey, Graham." Natasha chuckled reaching for him. Holding him in her hands she turned around and was met with Loki. She looked up at him and he looked down at her smirking. 

"I would check that one if I were you." Loki smirked nodding at Graham. Natasha looked at the rock to see him crumble into a pile of green, sparkly particles. She looked up at him with cold eyes, as he brought his hand from behind his back to show Graham in his hand. With a wave of his hand, Natasha was wrapped up in a magical rope and tied to a chair. Laughing at Natasha, Loki exited the room.

~~Back To Present Time~~

Loki was still smirking down at you, he did find Graham and you agreed that whoever found him would receive a kiss from you. Sighing quietly you grabbed Loki's hand and dragged him out of the room and into another. Before you could close the door Loki used his magic to close and lock it, leaving you shocked. Recovering from your shocked state you turned around to face him holding out your hand, for him to give you Graham.

"How do I know you're not just going to run off?" He questioned.

"Because a deal's a deal and if I did, I think you would be able to stop me, Magic man." You replied. Loki smiled at you, placing Graham into your hand. After putting Graham into your pocket you cupped Loki's face and gave him a kiss. Pulling away from the kiss you watched as he opened his eyes, smiling.

"Bye~" You said as you opened the door and left. Leaving a smiling Loki in the room, alone. You didn't mind the kiss, it wasn't bad, it was just that he wasn't who you wanted it to be with. You walked past the locked door, staring at it, as it taunted you. How you wanted to open that door, but you had come to terms that you would never open that door. Sighing, you made your way to your room.

You opened your door and walked inside, closing the door behind you.

"Hey." Someone said.

"AHHHHHH." You screamed, not noticing that anyone was in your room. You turned around and was faced with Natasha, tied to a chair? "How did you get into my room?" You questioned.

"I have a special key, it unlocks most doors." Your eyes widened. Unlocks most doors?

"Can I borrow it?" You asked quickly.

"Sure, but you have to get it, I'm tied to a chair." She said hoping that you would get what she was trying to say. "It's in my pocket." You reached into her pocket, thanked her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before quickly ran out of the door.

"Hey! I'm still tied to a chair!" Natasha shouted after you, but you were already gone. She slumped back into the chair and a wide grin made its way onto her face. You kissed her. Natasha couldn't care less that she was stuck in your room and tied to a chair.

"Miss Y/N, back for another go?" JARVIS chuckled.

"Yes and this time I will get this open!" You smiled.

"Really now?"

"You don't sound like you have much hope in me, do you? Tell you what, if I get this door open you have to refer my Dad as 'Daddy Stark' for a whole month." You smirked.

"Deal." You could hear the smirk in JARVIS' voice. Eyes closed you prayed that this special key actually worked, you push it into the key hole and turn it. Opening your eyes when you heard a 'click'.

"Oh My God! It worked! You lose JARVIS!" You shouted sticking your tongue out. 

You pulled open the door and hesitantly walked in. It was dark and you had to search for the light. Once you had found it you switched it on and you were met with... A shrine to Captain America? Looking around there were multiple pictures of Steve Rogers hung on the wall, the two versions of his suit and Captain America figurines.

Your Dad had lots of explaining to do.


I'm so sorry this took so long! I hope you all enjoyed this Part 2! Smuts have been removed from this book and moved to a new book!, as I do not want this book to be deleted! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day or night :)

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