Chapter 1

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****Author's note, there's lots of typos and spelling errors! Just so your warned until I can go through and fix all the mistakes. But if that doesn't bother you please enjoy!****

Bright blinding light casted within my room, squinting my eyes open at the odd light.

This much sunlight this bright in the rainy spring season of Washington? Pulling the covers over my head, reaching out to my nightstand and pulling my phone beneath the heavy quilted blankets. My eyes blinking to adjust to the white glowing screen.

5minutes before my alarm was about to go off. "What the hell?" Groaning into my pillow before stretching out my limbs to take up the entire bed.

Do I really need to get up? Sam can miss a day of school, I'm sure he'd love to spend the day hours in his gaming chair on the computer. I mean, who really needs education right? Mom would have already left for the morning shift at the grocery store. She'd have no idea.

Groaning loudly I pulled myself out of bed. Being the responsible adult I should be.

"Sam!" Calling out my bedroom door before closing it out loudly making the house rattle. I always did it because it got Sam to move quicker.

I could hear his loud complaints from across the hall, neither of us were morning people. He'd never leave his room if he had the option, who could blame him?

Grabbing a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and my favorite heather gray Cranberries band tshirt.

Getting Sam ready and to school had been my new routine since dad... Mom tried her best to mask her grief, but Sam and I could hear her cries in the middle of the night almost every night for the past year.

My eyes scanned my bare skin as I stood before my dresser mirror. The deep scars along my arm, trailing up to my collar bone. The flesh permanently dark pink stood out against my pale skin, a reminder of day of that night of the fire. I could taste the smoke on my tongue.

*The fire, ONE YEAR AGO*

The thick cloud of smoke filling my lungs, trapping my screams as I huddled against the farthest wall.

"Dad!" Crying out, my coughing becoming more ragged as the black smoke came out from under my door, the roaring crackling flames filling my ears as I fell to the ground. Eyes scanning my bedroom. No windows in my second story bedroom.

Dad ran out find my mom and brother. The fire had already engulfed the house by the time we realized. I couldn't stay in here any longer. I die in here. Yanking a heavy blankets off my bed, pulling it over my head as I crawled to the door.

Using the blanket to protect my hand as I twisted it open quickly. Ducking down as flames flooded the doorway.

"Dad!" Screaming out out my lungs burned. Dark smoke and flames made it impossible to see as I crawled toward the stair. Hot flames shooting toward my chest, belting out in pain.

The wooden banister crumbled beside me, tears evaporating from the heat as I inched down the stairs slowly. My arms beginning to burn through the blanket as I kept my head low. The creaking of the steps, straining to hold me as the the wood splintered under my bare feet.

"Help!" Coughing out painfully as I made it to the bottom of the steps. "Dad!" Crying out as I looked around for any clear path. A dark hooded mass stood in the far corner.

"Dad?!" Bursting into a run. My blanket now shriveling from the flames as I flung it behind me. My arms found the body. Wrapping them tightly around his waist. "How do we get out?!" Crying out as his hands stayed at his sides.

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