Chapter 10

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I tossed and turned through out the night, a cold sweat dampening my skin as I tried to keep my eyes closed, looking at my phone, reading 3am.  I could still hear Sam screaming over his game. Shivering into the blankets as a wave of chills flooded me, I ached all over.

No. please don't be a cold. 

'Sleep my Angel'  a deep voice whispered out.

That voice....

Opening my eyes immediately. Looking around my dark bedroom. The cracked window blowing a cool breeze through the curtains. Mist lingering through the small opening.  Narrowing my eyes to the corner off the wall and window. My heart beginning to race, squinting into the corner.  A faint outline of a person making my eyes grow.

Reaching for my lamp quickly, sitting up right. Exhaling in relief that no one was there.  You're freaking yourself out Ang. Relax.  Crawling out of the bed, keeping the quilt around my body to close the window.  Peering out, the street lights dim as they lit the road.  Moon, hidden by the clouds.

Shuttering in my skin as I turned around , crawling back into bed. I felt feverish. Flipping the lamp switch off. 

"Please don't let me get a cold" Whining to myself into the pillow. Curling up into a ball, my brain pounding within my skull. 

I laid in bed till 6am, tossing and turning as the cold chills never left. My nose stuffy with congestion not letting me get more than an hour or so of good sleep.

keeping my blanket around me as I exited my room.  Knocking on Sam's door softly.

"Sam, you'll have to take the bus today"

Listening to the door to hear a groan. "Fiiiiine" 

Inching down the stairs. Unlocking the front door, sure enough my car sat in the driveway beside my mom's white mini van.  She must still be asleep. Slipping into my red slippers, shuffling as the cool air helped my breathing.

Talon was out of his mind if he thought I was going anywhere.  Wasn't even sure if I wanted to see him.  My body flushed hotter thinking of the heated kiss in his car but.  His words after still replayed in my head. 'I was sent to you'.  It was too ominous. 

Yanking my keys from the mailbox. I thought I caught a glimpse of his black jeep. But it was down the next road before I could make out the details.

Once back inside the house, I collapsed on the couch. Unwilling to make my way up to my room. 

I faintly remembered my mom checking on me, placing a glass of water and some cold medicine on the coffee table but I was unable to open my eyes as I felt her place a kiss on my forehead.  I could hear, Sam's grunting about taking the bus to school.

My mother's cool hand went to my face, leaning into her touch. "I don't know how your car is back in the driveway, I'll bother you about that when you're feeling better.   Will you be okay by yourself the whole day? I can try to stay home?"

Shrugging a nod, "I'm fine" Whining softly. I let myself drift off.  But still restless, in and out of sleep.

A sudden knock at the door startled me awake. The sun peaking through the clouds enough to stream into the living room right into my eyes.

"Go away!" Whining out as I turned my face into the back of the couch.

'Knock, knock, knock'

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