Chapter 29

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"So dad was into all this stuff?" His shocked expression never faltered as I spewed more and more information.  "And you're telling me, that Talon is part of this crap?"

Nodding slowly.  "Trust me, I didn't want to believe it either" With a large exhale.  The feeling of being able to share with someone, even if Sam doesn't believe me felt like a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Dad thinks we come from a long long line of Fallen angels, that one of them got with a human" Reading through my dad's journal. "Talon knew what I was and never told me" Growling through the pages.

"Dad wrote he thinks we might have Nephilim in us" Scowling through the pages.  "Great grandpa was Nephilim apparently" His voice filled with shock as I looked up at him.

"Nephilim are supposed to be really strong, and live longer than most humans" Sam continued reading as I listened closely.

"I wouldn't say that applies to me" Scoffing out. 

Sam smirked looking up from his side bangs. "You didn't see yourself run up to that Markus.  I thought your were an Olympian" Pausing as he face fell serious.  "And Markus was a Fallen?  And he's been after you since the car accident, and he's the reason for the fire"  His own voice choking a bit.  

"Yeah" Dragging my hand through my hair, still adjusting to the length.  "He was the reason for all of it, because of me"

"And you killed him?" His tone lowering, my heart began racing as I chewed on my bottom lip.  "With an Archangel blade? Like this?" Showing me a hand drawn picture from the journal.  

Leaning forward, it was an exact replica, the long silver handle, the curve of the blade with a hook at the point.  The intricate design at the base.

"That's the one" Looking closer, amazed that my dad had drawn that.

"Your right. This is crazy" Closing the book as he grabbed the sides of his head.

Falling quiet.  Did he believe me, I needed him to believe me. 

"What are you going to do about Talon?"

My heart thumped painfully in my chest at his name. "I'm not sure, I think he knew we had Nephilim in our blood and never told me" Pulling my knees to my chest, resting my forehead on my kneecaps.  

"You need to talk to him.  We need to know if I'm the same as you" Sam spoke with a stern voice.

He believed me? 

"You believe me" My cracked voice rasping in my throat as I looked up through blurry eyes, fighting the tears that wanted to spill.

"Your one of the most honest logical people I know.  I don't have a reason not to believe this.  And dad writing about all this just confirms it more"

Wrapping him in a sudden hug. "I haven't been able to tell anybody about these thing" His hands returned the hug quickly but dropped his hands with a groan as I refused to let go.  "I've had to keep these things to myself for months" Releasing him slowly.

Sam climbed off the bed. "Does that mean I have a Watcher angel too?  Think its a girl?"

Laughing softly. "I have know idea. Maybe"

"I have to go bed, this day has made my brain mush.  I need some time to process all this" Yawning loudly as he reached for the door.  "I'm glad your alright.  I'd have to kill you if anything happened to you" Looking at me seriously before smiling as he closed the door behind him.

Gathering the books and journals, placing them in the box before setting it beside my bed.  I flipped the lamp switch off.  The moonlight shining through my room.  But I couldn't relax enough to fall asleep.  

Were there others out there, killing Nephilim? Was Markus killing all them? Joseph said he would keep an eye on me.  I wanted Talon to be watching me too, but I'm not sure if I really want to see him.  

I want to trust him, with everything in me.  But after today, I'm not sure I can anymore...


"I can't believe it we're finally done!" Elena grinned beside me as we sat side by side in our cap and gowns.  Glancing back to see my mom and Sam cheering from the audience.

"Me too" 

"Did I mention, I'm in love with your haircut" Reaching to run her hands through it softly with a smile.

"Thanks" Smiling to her.  I was just happy the bruises were near invisible, and the swollenness was gone.   

It's been weeks since I'd seen Talon.  No sign of him since the day I killed Markus and told him to go.  I occasionally saw Joseph but he would always leave immediately once I noticed him.

"Markus still hasn't replied to any of my texts" Elena's face falling slightly.

Shifting uncomfortably.  I knew it was best for her I kept the Markus situation to myself. "Professor Norman said he's on vacation" How he came to that idea was beyond me.  Probably Talon or Joseph.

A woman walked across the stage, her voice echoing over the stadium as I began to zone out as she began a speech.

I was certain I'd never see Talon again.  When I told him to 'go' I meant it at the time.  But after weeks of no sign of.  No inkling of him being near.  I knew he took my words to heart.

"Angela McKay" The women announced. Bringing me back to reality.  I hadn't even heard her begin rattling off names!!

"Go girl!" Elena pushed me softly with a smile.

Standing up in my heels, concentrating on not falling as I walked up the stairs.  Ignoring all the eyes on me.

"Go Angie! Wooo! Ow ow!! Wooo!" Sam howled embarrassingly loud holding a large pink sign, grinning up at him.  My mom snapping pictures beside him with a tearful smile.  

"You go little darlin'!!" A deep southern voice through the stadium. 

My feet slid to a halt as I searched for the voice.  I knew that was Joseph.

Gathering myself with a soft smile as I continued walk, shaking the women's hand with a smile and holding the diploma in my other hand as we paused for pictures.  I walked away with a grin.

"Woooo!! Go Angie!!" Sam hollered again making the audience chuckle as I blushed stepping down the stairs to where everyone else who had been called sat.

More names were called, Elena skipped across the stage as I clapped loudly for her.  Her sparkling smile as she pumped her fist into the air for pictures.  She practically ran down the stairs, pulling me into a bear hug as I felt tears begin spilling.

"No crying! We'll ruin our makeup!" Laughing through her own tears as she sat beside me, messing up the order of people without a care in the world.

More people crossed the stage as the cheers continued.  Clapping for everyone as they smiled walking down the stairs to the seating area.

"Talon Ricci"

My head snapped up.  Elena elbowing me softly as my eyes grew.  

Sure enough Talon wore his gown and strutted across the stage, meeting the woman in the middle.  His gaze staring into the audience.  No smile at all.

"You go angel boy!!! Woo!!" Joseph's booming voice echoed.  Earning a small smirk from Talon.

"Lame!" Sam yelled with a laugh.  Making the audience laugh.  My mom smacking his arm to quiet him.

My body stilled as he turned his body in my direction, walking with his eyes connecting mine.  The air in my lungs left me as he gaze me a small smile.  His long legs striding past me as I kept my focus on straight in front of me.  Willing myself not to turn to where he sat. 

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