Pt. 2: the rumors

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Marolette winced.
"What is that cacophony in the great hall for?" She asked in a pained tone. Josie turned to her and gave her a surprised look.
"Didn't you hear? Tom got himself into a duel with a 4th year Hufflepuff. He won, with only a cut to the lip of course, but the Hufflepuff had to be sent to the hospital wing." The silver haired witch was in shock; what could the 4th year have said to make him react that way?
"Why?" was all Mar managed to speak.
"Rumor has it that the mudblood was talking smack about you beating him in a wizard's duel earlier, and Tom wasn't having any of it!" Josie was ecstatic, but once again the clearwater witch was in shock.
"Tom! Wait!" Mar yelled to the curly haired boy in the same year. The boy stopped to let her catch up. When she finally reached him, through unstable breaths from running, she said 3 simple words.
"Is it true?" The boy turned to her and nodded saying nothing. Mar couldn't believe it. He got into a duel for her? She grabbed his face, turning it to and fro, looking for any signs of a beating. He grabbed her hands and said,
"I'm fine. I already had the cut on my lip healed." She sighed and asked another question.
"Did you get into any trouble for hurting him that bad?" He nodded again, but this time for no.
"Dippet said that he had been causing trouble all year and needed to be taught a lesson." With that Tom shrugged and started to walk off, but not before saying
"I guess being a zealot pays off.", and walked off signaling her to follow.
"What did he say!" Josie asked, really yelled, while pulling Mar back by the shoulder.
"That the rumor is true." Mar sighed and continued walking down the hall with Josie hot on her trail. Josie squealed and grabbed the other witch's arm.
"Merlin, Mar! I actually was doubting he had any empathy at all, but I guess he does!" Mar smiled a weak smile and continued on to potions class.
Thanks for reading! Stick around for more!

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