Magical Rags?

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I blinked my eyes open and saw I was in an unfamiliar place with dimmed lights and dark walls. And my leg was in excruciating pain. I looked down at my leg and saw that my right pants leg were cut down below my knee, and my calf had been wrapped with a cloth. I try to remember what happened and how I got here, and suddenly, everything came back. I remember the hellhound, the Green Arrow, and the chase. I remember him shooting me in the leg, and I remember him being the last thing I saw before I blacked out from the pain.

At least he was nice enough to stitch my wound, even though my leg felt stiff and it smelled like dried blood.

I groggily sat up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a large cage in the corner of the room, as if I was a caged animal. My hand instinctively flew to my pocket, and the familiar shape of Riptide was no longer there. But no worry, he'll come back to me sooner or later.

I stood up, careful not to make any noise. I held onto the bars for support, careful not to press any weight on my right leg. I could hear a commotion coming from inside the room, so my kidnappers were still here. It's funny how I was kidnapped by the Green Arrow. That's definitely a tale I'll tell Annnabeth once I get home.

I channeled some water, which was pretty much everywhere, and I controlled it to make shape in the lock.

And with a click, I pushed the door open. That was easy.

I tiptoed by the door, looking at everyone who seemed to be gathered around a video. I couldn't make much, I would recognize that voice anywhere.

Smelly Gabe.

I gagged, suddenly remembering everything he's ever done to me. I shake those thoughts away and continue creeping over to the elevator.

"He sounds like an asshole," one guy said. And I couldn't help myself but reply to him. I know it was stupid, but the urge to do so was just so strong.

I smirked and said, "Yeah, he was."

The look of shock on everyone's faces made me laugh. They must be going crazy!

"As much as it was nice seeing your little lair, I should on going. I promised my mom I wouldn't be gone long." And I stepped into the elevator, and when I did, the doors started closing.

I gave a smug smile, "See ya later, losers!"

At the last moment, they all started running towards me, but they were too late. I was already on my way down.

And as soon as the elevator doors opened, I ran as fast as my wounded leg could take me, which wasn't exactly fast. I knew they were already on the elevator ride down, so I had to hide somewhere fast.

I ran down the street, not knowing where I was going. I searched my pockets for a drachma, to call my mom, or even Annabeth, but there were none. I cursed.

Annabeth always said to keep extra drachma around you. But I didn't listen. And the one time I really really need to use one, I don't have one.

It can be annoying when your girlfriend is right all the time.

The sun was starting to set and the sky was beginning to turn into a pretty shade of pink. Yet, despite the beautiful sky, I could only think about how my parents were probably worrying their butts  off.

I heard the sound of shouting, and I turned my head, everyone except the blonde girl with glasses one was there.

Everyone had their masks on, so I couldn't see their faces, but that was kind of pointless because I already saw what they looked like back in their lair. Except the Green Arrow's, he still kept his mask on. I kept on wobbling away, looking back over my shoulder every so often. But they were getting closer and closer. I was thankful for my head start.

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