Abandoned Warehouse

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I wasn't sure if my eyes were betraying me or not, but I had to blink multiple times before I truly believed that I saw a pegasus. 

And the last thing I expected was to see Percy mount it and fly away. It had a dark coat that seemed to match Percy's hair,  its wings were delicate yet strong. When I nocked my arrow, I was afraid to shoot at first, which caught me by surprise. Should I shoot the pegasus? I didn't want to kill the animal, but I had to injure it so I'd catch Percy. Instead, I shot the the animal in the wing, hopefully missing anything major. I'm not very informed on pegasus anatomy. I make a mental note to ask Felicity to search up more information on pegasi.

The pegasus started flapping its wings more violently, causing Percy to panic. Even from afar, I could see everything that was happening. The kid seemed to calm the animal down, so it took smaller flaps. The wing that I shot was using less energy than the other. Percy bent down to talk to the pegasus, continuing to stroke its dark mane. I noticed his constant eyeing towards my direction, no doubt talking about me. However, I didn't expect him to purposely push himself off his steed and into the air where he started falling towards the ground at high speeds. I expected a lot of things to happen, but that was not on the list.

I quickly went to work. I nocked another arrow, and shot it towards a building. A zipline followed the arrow once it hit the building, and I was able to wrap my bow across the zipline and zip down. 

I had to time this perfectly, or else the kid might die. Since Percy and the pegasus were already so high up in the air when he fell, he was still falling by the time I reached the building. I saw him fall closer and closer to the ground. So once my legs hit the roof of the building, I extended my arms out, and miraculously, I caught him. He landed in my arms perfectly, but I didn't account for how heavy he was, especially coming down at a strong force, so when I caught him, I stumbled backwards and he fell on me. 

I got up, brushing the gravel from my pants. I noticed he was unconscious, most likely from the arrow I shot in his arm. By the time I picked him up, the rest of the team met me on the roof. "Woah, you got him," Rory admired, looking down at the boy and back at me.

"Yeah, we got to bring him to the bunker before he wakes up, and this time, confiscate everything he has in his pockets. I need two people in the bunker at all times watching over him." 

"That's a bit excessive, don't you think?" Diggle eyed the kid suspiciously, but I shook my head fiercely, confident on my decision. 

"You all saw what he could do. He's dangerous, whether we like it or not. Did you contact Barry about the sword?"

"Turns out there is no such thing as a meta-sword, or it's not anything they encountered before. When I first asked about it, Barry thought I was pranking them, saying how a meta-sword was stupid. But turns out it's just a regular sword that can disappear. But he did drop off some meta-cuffs for us once I told him about our situation."

"Great," I nodded, then turned to Curtis. "Check his pockets. We'll double check them again back at the bunker."

"Check his pockets," Curtis repeated. "You want me to search his pockets for a sword?"

"No," I rolled my eyes. "Anything he could use to potentially escape."

Curtis just sighed and stuffed his hands in Percy's pockets. He came out with a gum wrapper, a wallet, some golden coins, and a ballpoint pen. 

"What are those?" Rene pointed at the coins. By default, I was going to respond with coins, but before the words could come out of my mouth, I narrowed my eyes at the golden coins, examing them closer. The more I looked at the them, the less they looked like your average American currency. "Let's just show this to Felicity."

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