Chapter 8-Results

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The next morning was a quiet morning. The people who were here mostly just lingered or checked in on Carl while waiting for the remaining parts of the group to arrive.

Right now, in early morning, I sit on the deck, staring out into the fields in front of me with a cup of black coffee. I was happy to have it, not having had any since before the world had gone to crap.

Taking a sip, a scrunch my nose up at the taste. The person who had made it must have done something wrong. I chuck the bad cup's contents out into the driveway, leaving the cup empty. I begin to hear the distant rumbling of a motorbike, and see the R.V., a car, and Daryl's motorbike. I stand up and walk inside.

I head to Carl's room, and just as I walk in Hershel says "Fever's goin' down."

Carl moves around in his bed. Rick and Lori who are in the room jump up, and I walk over to his side.

"Baby? Carl?" Lori asks as Carl opens his eyes.

"Sophia? Is she okay?" Carl questions tiredly.

"Fine. She's fine," Rick lies.

"Rest. We'll all be right here, okay?" I tell him.

"'Kay," he agrees, and shuts his eyes.

"They're here," T-Dog announces the group's presence, poking his head in the room.

Lori and Rick get up and head back outside where the rest of the group has parked the vehicles. I go to move too but a slight dizziness holds me back. I take a deep breath, thinking for a second. I shake my head, and move to head out front.

"How is he?" Dale asks as I walk out the door.

"He'll pull through. Thanks to Hershel and his people," Lori says, smiling.

"And Darcy and Otis here. We'd have lost Carl if not for them," Rick adds. Rick hugs Dale and Carol hugs Lori.

"Thank god," Carol says over Lori's shoulder. "We were so worried."

"How'd it happen?" asks Dale.

"Hunting accident. That's all—just a stupid accident," Rick says lightly.


Daryl, Shane, Andrea, Rick, Hershel and I stand at the front of a yellow truck. Now that we were positive Carl was going to be okay, we are going to resume looking for Sophia. Daryl and I have our crossbows, and I was leaving my katana behind.

"How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel inquires.

"This'll be day three," Rick informs.

Maggie brings a map over, rolling it out on the hood of the car. She puts stones at each corner to keep the map from rolling closed.

"County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations."

We all crouch over the map.

"This is perfect," Shane speaks.

"We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams," Rick states.

"Not you, not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out. And your ankle, push it now, you'll be laid out a month. No good to anybody," Hershel argues to Rick and Shane.

"What happened to your ankle?" I ask, brows furrowed.

"Tripped. Sprained it on the way back yesterday," Shane explains.

"Guess it's just us two. We're gonna head back to the creek, work our way from there," Daryl says, looking at me to see if that plan is good. I nod my head, agreeing with his plan.

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