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Kate/reader as requested! I took the events of her backstory and tried to somehow tie this in as a oneshot, I hope it worked out okay! also to anyone who is currently waiting for a oneshot, I am working on them right now in the order they were requested in.

You've known Kate forever.

Sometimes it was weird to think back to before she was a fugitive, because before that she was a quiet and put together person who unfortunately carried a lot of anger in her.

She had these eyes that reflected the pain she felt on a daily basis, when she met you, you were the only person she confided in.

Kate didn't tell a single soul about the hardships that went down at home. She just remained silent before she met you, keeping up her grades and being polite towards everyone she talked to but dreaming of the day where her life would get better. And when was it getting better? It seemed like torture everyday to her and Kate dreamed for her escape from that small town and from that house.

You met in school and thought those green eyes and the freckles on her face were charming. Those long brown curls always looked so nice, you always ran your fingers through them when you soothed her.

You felt awful because she had a terrible home situation. Her "step" father would beat her mom a lot, and she witnessed a lot of the altercations and couldn't do anything. She stood up for her mom and helped her afterwards, but nothing she ever said or did was enough to convince her mother she deserved better.

Wayne, her stepfather was also an alcoholic to mention. There were dreadful nights where he'd come home drunk out of his mind, unable to walk to bed without falling on his face. You couldn't even understand how he drove home in one piece. He'd get handsy those nights, and you were worried for Kate's safety so much. It broke your heart knowing what she witnessed just about everyday, and were thankful she had a friend like you so she can have that escape.

After a few months you both were the closest of friends. Fortunately your parents were sweet enough to understand Kate's environment and to allow her to spend the nights any nights she wished. Your sleepovers were great, for once there was some relief in her eyes, some freedom. Kate took care of her mother's sanity, as much as she loved being there for her, it hurt seeing her in pain and struggling with this violent man.

Some nights you both couldn't sleep and you'd stare at each other (or at least try to) in the pitch dark, able to see the highlights of your eyes. She'd get very deep, going into details of the recent things Wayne did. What you wish you caught onto sooner was her anger. There was an anger inflicted on her eyes and you were sure through her entire body when his name was even said. She was so frustrated, wishing that one of these nights he would just die and that her mom wouldn't have to hurt anymore.

One of those nights, you held her tight against your chest as she cried. Even if this wasn't happening to you, her pain was so intense that you felt it inside of you. The thing about Kate was she put on a brave face as much as she could and only took it off when she had to. You were honored that you were trusted to carry her mask, but you wish she didn't have to wear one. You wished you can do something that can fix her broken and heavy heart.

So that was when you kissed her on the head and whispered reassuring sayings to her. It wasn't until that moment when you realized your feelings toward her were more than friendly ones... you liked her in that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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