Ben Linus (smut)

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ben/Reader smut as requested

Ben had you under his grasp like he had with everyone else. With Ben, everyone was under the hold of his overwhelming power he never let go of and that no one else can take from him, because he cleverly knew how to get it back no matter what.

His cold eyes could stare at you and in an instant he could proclaim that control. Any word could flip a trigger in your head to make you mentally surrender to him, no matter how much you didn't want to. It was more than transparent his love for Juliet that wasn't reciprocated, and you were able to tell how it affected him daily. You tried not to think much of it, it didn't necessarily bother you but his feelings stood out too much to your own liking.

You were a fertility doctor like Juliet, in fact you worked together and both shared your discoveries together, being concluded you both were the best people to come to the island and fix the pregnancy issues that occured there. From day one Ben had a fascination with Juliet but didn't fail to pay attention to the hard work you put in too, the only question being when you could leave that magical space.

And he always made an excuse to make the two of you stay there longer, sometimes making you want to snap and demand a valid truth as Ben had been keeping you there for too long now. You felt even worse for Juliet as she probably just wanted to be reunited with her sister again, she wanted to be reunited with her as she was sick and managed to have a baby despite the condition she was in.

His evident love didn't stop his protectiveness for you to be insured, personally you never understood what it meant. Ben marked his territory on whoever he chose, and when someone didn't respect those boundaries it drove him to the brinks of insanity. He purposely sent out Goodwin to the other side of survivors as a result, a death wish being sealed on the man who also loved Juliet. Even if he went to that extreme measure, his icy blue eyes stared daggers into you, not wanting you to belong with anybody else.

You didn't get why he stared at you the way he did while he had feelings for Juliet, you wondered if it was because he knew Juliet wasn't interested in him and he wanted to avoid the same thing happening with you. You weren't sure what Ben Linus ever wanted, his intentions were foggy until they sickly were displayed in front of your eyes. 

But sometimes, rarely, his gaze seemed sad when fixated on you, in a tunnel of remembrance you didn't know him enough to understand. Benjamin was either truthful or would construct lies for manipulation purposes, for purposes you would never find out unless he was to the breaking point of opening up to. Sure enough you reminded him of someone from his past, you didn't have the qualities of Juliet that drew him into her but you had your own that resembled closer to his past friend, closer to something that intrigued him. You were sweet, holding good energy but a little spunky at times when you wanted to be. You questioned a lot when you weren't supposed to and weren't afraid to show when you were upset at Ben and his orders. His glance softened your views on him when you noticed the action, it was enough to make you wonder why Ben was the way he was.

A life-threatening tumor was when it went downhill- Ben had to get it removed as soon as possible or he will die from what it will spread throughout his body. The X-rays showed the severity of it and it gave Ben anxiety he was too stoic to show. Despite his impairing downside a plan always went together in his head, he could come up with one either spontaneously or with enough thinking, it was the raw genius of himself.

Part of this plan was getting a spinal surgeon who fell from the blue skies and crashed along the warm sands, not knowing the secrets the island had underneath it's misleading outside. When he captured Jack and a few others from the other side of the island, they were imprisoned within the decoy land. Of course Ben wasn't about to reveal his real land- it was all apart of his cleverly thought out plan.

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