Sawyer (smut)

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Sawyer/Reader smut as requested

I'm sorry this has taken a very long time to put up, I've been VERY busy lately but I hope you enjoy :))) a lot is going on in my life right now, but I still put in lots of effort in this one shot and am working on other requests too! Thank you for patiently waiting.

You never planned on confessing your feelings to Sawyer, it all happened because of a drinking game you decided to play.

From the second you had a sight of those piercing blue eyes, they were unavoidable. But you never grew discouraged because Sawyer's feelings towards you were the most obvious thing in the world. It became some game between you two, exchanging flirts and never feeling let down, but always searching for more each day. Someone was bound to make the first move, but both of you were avoiding it for whatever reason. You felt intensely for each other, but didn't know how to access or deal with your feelings. Whenever you wanted to make an advance, you could never find the right words. And despite Sawyer's confidence, he stumbled on his passes when it pointed to you.

And Sawyer never got that way with anyone. He could look in someone's direction and already that person wanted to be with him forever- and with you, the little flirting game you played seemed to be the safest way to do it. Neither of you could think of a better way of dealing with your feelings, and never did the two of you wanted to flat out admit you wanted more. It was torturous, but with both of your personalities it was rather entertaining.

Until one day, it just happened. You were in need of a drink to clear your mind off some troubles, and casually asked Sawyer if he would be willing to lend you something. After some playful flirting not only did he agree to give you liquor, but he wanted to join you with your drinking escapades.

All you could wonder was, was it really that easy to get some alone time with the blonde? You were more excited than you wanted to be, you hid it well for James because you didn't want to scare him off, but where could he go anyway?

Sawyer brought you the alcohol, the ones he got off the plane. They were miniature bottles, the next step being deciding where to drink them. You didn't want to interrupt everyone's night so you both went somewhere in the jungle where you knew you wouldn't get lost. You honestly had no idea how you kept your feelings under control, Sawyer's dimples were making you lose your mind. Your features too drove him crazy internally, it made you wonder if anything will ever happen.

Sitting down together, your bodies were so close that they almost touched. The feeling of Sawyer's closeness made your heart beat fast, your nostrils picking up on his scent even made you blush. He reaches out of his pocket for two small bottles, handing you one and taking one for himself. You screwed off the top and gave him a mischievous look.

"We should play a drinking game," You challenge, not knowing what direction the night would go if you did this.

"You sure about that, love?" Sawyer's tone was teasing and just as challenging as yours. You two mirrored each other's smirks and the answer was obvious to one another.

"Bring it."

The smirk on the blonde's tan face never left, his hand traveled to the bottle he held and twisted the firm cap off of it. After doing the same, you pondered what drinking game the both of you will play. You didn't drink often, especially since landing here. But when you did drink in the past it was always in social settings. You always got carried away if you did it with someone, and planned to have a good time as you had no idea when the next time the two of you will be drinking will be.

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