Desmond (smut)

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desmond/reader smut as requested

I haven't watched the earlier seasons in a while so I hope this is accurate, enjoy!

You heard about Desmond before you saw him. After he abruptly left camp in an attempt to leave the place you didn't know he was stuck on for years, the other survivors were in charge of a simple button that had the consequence of killing the world if not pushed. With each day that went by more secrets were discovered about this island you crashed on not too long ago. It started as some ordinary island, some island you panicked on but were positive rescue parties would fine. Unlucky enough for you that never happened, leaving you and the rest of the group to survive amongst this area of secrets.

Exploring the hatch opened up new doors, especially when stumbling across one of the six orientation tapes. You were bewildered when your eyes and ears processed the information in front of you, you had no idea and wouldn't begin to think scientific experiments went down on this beautiful scenery before the plane crashed here, question after question was thought of and never answered. You wondered more about Desmond as it seemed he was living here the entire time the plane crashed and the whole time you were making ends meet on this magical place. You couldn't blame the guy for running off, having to press a button every 108 minutes was tedious, the reasonable part being alternating shifts.

You entered in the same combination of numbers that you didn't understand the meaning to, only noticing Hurley getting petrified hearing them. He claimed the numbers were bad, and through his personal experience they were to him. Jack argued and thought pressing in the numbers was meaningless and you agreed, you would've agreed if you knew why you were doing it. But still you complied, not lowering your curiosity however to what would happen if those digits and button were not pressed.

It wasn't until a while later a certain boat washed ashore containing Desmond. He looked disheveled, facial hair scattered on his face with messy curls, and a botte of liquor being pressed against his hand, the speech from his mouth clearly showing he had been drinking. He looked like a mess but yet there was something about the Scottish man you couldn't stop thinking of. You had so many questions in your mind to ask after you heard about him fleeing far away and after you heard the scene he caused down in the hatch. He looked at you too, drunkly though, in a way where you felt connected without even having to exchange any words together.

Much more happened after that, one of which being the hatch blowing up after he turned the fail-safe key. You got closer, as a good chunk of the more important survivors were away with the others, making the other remaining people on the island worried and wondering how they'll come back. You were surprised Desmond survived an explosion like that to begin with and what added on to your confusion about him was when he knew Claire was drowning, the way he ran to the ocean gave off a predetermined knowledge, that was how fast his action was.

This left Charlie of course wanting to know how Desmond knew. He was in love with Claire and their relationship improved drastically recently, believing he deserved to know. Charlie panicked seeing the condition she was in when the Scottish man lifted her out of the deep blue waters. Little did the rock star know Desmond avoided telling the truth about how he knew his love was drowning for a reason. A reason that was eating him up inside and out of nowhere decided to confide in you, which at the time you didn't believe he was going to be telling you the truth for that. He asked if you wanted to have a drink and you agreed, innocently thinking that's all he wanted to do. You wouldn't admit it out loud but you were happier than you should've been hearing the invitation, liking that Desmond wanted to have time with just you and appeared to be getting close with you on this space that held so many unknown elements. On an island like this it was a separate life lived, where the idea of finding someone new didn't bother you but you weren't searching for it either. Truthfully you liked Desmond a tad despite not knowing for him long, but not minding if you guys were close friends. You'd rather that.

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