i found // acoustic version

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Calum pulled up to the rec center, putting his car in park. He couldn't deny that he was a little excited to see Michael again. He blamed it on the fact that Matty and Ashton had been his friends for like, ten years and they were the only people he talked to, excluding family. He wouldn't tell Michael that, though. It made him sound like a loser.

He held the door open for an older man yielding a shuffleboard stick. It was a little funny, actually seeing the stereotype that all old people play bingo and shuffleboard be proven. Even if he was just one example.

He followed the man in until the greying shuffleboarder took a right down a spacious corridor, the sounds of splashing and laughter (Calum could only assume that that was the wing that held the indoor pool). Calum took roughly ten more paces and landed himself in the same place as yesterday, only this time the red haired boy was nowhere to be seen. It was 4:50 and Calum had a look of displeasure on his face because his partner wasn't there. He sat in the same seat, put in his earbuds and listened to the same song as yesterday because if he somehow recreated all the circumstances as yesterday then Michael just might show up.

That even sounded creepy in his head.

He quickly changed the song, I Found by Amber Run filling his ears. He wondered if Michael liked Amber Run. That would be cool. They could sing the songs together and obsess over albums an--"

"Amber Run. Nice choice, partner." Michael complimented, Calum instantly pulling out his earbuds. 

"Really? They're a pretty small band and no one ever knows who I'm talking about when I say their name or sing their lyrics. It's nice that someone else knows and appreciates how great they are." Calum rambled.

Michael looked a little overwhelmed and made a gesture to Calum's phone that said 'hey, give me your phone so I can judge the rest of your music, you insane twat' and that's exactly what Calum did.

Michael took the unlocked phone and scrolled through Calum's library, smiling when he realized he knew just about every song in there. The smile dropped though, when he realized there was a band he'd never heard before in there. 

"Alkaline Trio? Are they any good?" Michael asked.

"Well if I listen to them, they must be." A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. Michael rolled his eyes and handed back the iPhone to Calum.

"Aren't you going to listen?" Calum locked the phone and held it in his hand.

"This isn't the right place to listen to them. If they're as good as you say they are, I don't want to listen to them at support group."

Michael focused his attention to Warren while Calum's dark eyes flitted to Michael. He looked like a madman, those quick glances thrown at Michael surely making anyone else paying attention in the room uncomfortable for the older boy.

Something as lovely as him needs an audience anyway, Calum decided, every word Warren said flying right past his head.


I Found - Amber Run

really though if you haven't heard the bands i mentioned above please do so they sound like angels

i'll try to update more often beebs

love youuuuuuuuUuuUUUUUuUuuUUUUUUuuUu


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