goodbye forever

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Michael straightened his tie and stared into the hall mirror. He looked well adjusted -- his hair tame and a well fitting suit. His eyebags looked a little darker than usual, but who could blame him?

Michael may have looked well adjusted and maybe even dashing but his insides were a total wreck.

His throat felt dry and his eyes were soaked. His stomach was turned into intricate knots and he felt like he would be sick. Today was the day. His final goodbye to the person who means the most to him in the world.

Luke's parents came down from Florida. When they saw Michael in his suit, sitting near the entrance of the church, they had no clue what to do. Why any of this happened. Why they weren't called and told their son's condition.

"You knew he had cancer. Don't you think that alone would be enough of a reason for you to come down?" Michael hissed, the room empty except for the three. 

"Lucas never told us when he was going to die. We had no way of knowing whether it was six months or six years." Liz's dramatic wails made Michael's stomach turn. They may have made Luke, but Luke was no son of theirs. Luke tried his hardest to cut off contact with his parents after they left. He may have grown up with all his basic needs of living like food, a nice home and clothes, but his parents were never there. His father was a CEO at some video game company and was never around, while his mother was a defense lawyer. When their only son became old enough, they retired early and left for America. 

Not that Luke really cared. They were on business trips and had late nights for most of the boy's life anyway.

"Luke didn't have to tell you anything. You weren't there for him anyway." Michael retorted, eyeing the weeping woman in the olive green chair. Kenny watched Michael, a certain level of disgust flooding his watery blue eyes. But this was the funeral of his only son. He couldn't ruin this on account of some boy.

"Luke knows we love him. That's all that matters." Kenny offered a hand to his wife and led her out of the room into the sanctuary. Michael bit his lip to keep from screaming.

He glanced at the clock above the nursery room door -- 2:56. The funeral would be in four minutes and his heart was threatening to beat right out of his pale chest.

He didn't want to say goodbye. Who would?

The red haired man sniffled and held the metal handles to the door. With a heavy heart and clouded head, Michael opened the door and entered the second worst day of his life.


Goodbye Forever - Alkaline Trio



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