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When I woke up, it wasn't the sound of mum's sweet voice begging me to wake, it was the annoying patter of rain on my window. I liked mum's voice better, but I knew the only way I would be able to hear it again was in my sleep. I wish she could be here, helping me like she used to, but now she's gone, just like everyone else. Except for Beth of course.

She was the only one who stayed. She stayed when he left, she stayed when mum left. She moved in with me to keep company, as she knew I needed it. She took me out shopping, to parties and sometimes just out for a drink. But none of it really helped; but it was the thought that counted. Just her being there with me was enough to keep me together, and not broken again.

I dragged myself off of my comfy bed and over to my closet. I changed into a pair of navy blue gym shorts, a plain white tee and my Jordans. I went to my bathroom and put my honey brown hair up in a messy bun, put on a little mascara and a little eyeliner around my green eyes.

I just paced around my room for some reason. Now I guess I wasn't in the mood for a morning run. Why would I even go running in the rain?

I went back over to my closet and raised my hand, reaching for my guitar case. I hadn't practiced all week and I missed playing. Me and Beth had been working on some project she's doing.

Once I had the handle of the case in my hand, I started to pull. The case was heavier than I remembered, but I kept pulling anyways. When the case was almost down I heard something slide down the case, and then it hit my head and scattered all over the floor.

I sighed and put down my case. Once I set it down on the floor I got on my knees and started picking up all of the things that fell out of the shoebox.

Jewelry, notes, journals, knick-knacks, and a single picture.

It was a picture of me and him. We were on the California beach, skipping around in the sand, our arms linked tightly together. Smiles were spread across our faces and laughs were escaping our mum's lips as we hopped through the sand.

Streams of tears cascaded down my cheeks and few little droplets splashed on the old picture, over the two happy teenagers. Never once had I thought it would end this way, and never in my life would I have thought he would leave me alone and completely forget about me.


Danced all night, slept all day

A year after he left, all the magazines at the stores and supermarkets were cluttered with articles of him. He always was at a bar. Always. And right outside, the paps were ready to capture a photo of the drunk teenager stumbling out the doors.

Careless with my heart again

Fearless when it comes to playing games

When a few photos of us leaked, they said I was just another fan. A gold digger and an attention junkie. He never told me why he said those things, he never even told me goodbye. No matter how many times I tried to contact him he never answered, the line was always dead. Skype was not an option either; my calls would always time out or be rejected.

You don't cry, you don't care

Afraid to have a love affair

Is that your ghost or are you really there?

Not once did  ever see his tears at an interview when they mentioned me. All I saw was a blank expression, no show of emotion whatsoever. He could never keep a relationship, and when he left, niether could I. I stopped trying to find someone, someone that could take my mind off him. But nothing worked. It was like he was super glued to me. I mean, we were joined at the hip.

Now I can't walk, I can't talk anymore

Since you walked out the door

And now I'm stuck living out that night again

When he left, he left me feeling so isolated, so lonely, that I just hid myself away. A year and a half later, mum left, leaving me all alone and on my own. Luckily, Beth was there and came to the rescue. But every single night, I wake up at around midnight, and I have the same dream, living the night he left over again.

Weather on a sunny day

Time slows down; I wish you'd stay

Pass me by in crowded, dark hallways

The day he left was a beautiful day, not typical Holmes Chapel weather. And when mum told me he left, I felt like my world was gone, because my rock was gone. He was gone and I couldn't stand without him. I only talked to Beth and mum and almost never left the house. And in a few of my dreams, I was taking a quick morning run, and I went through an alleyway and ran right past him. When I turned around he was gone.

Try my hardest not to scream

I find my heart is growing weak

So leave your reasons on the bathroom sink

That razor, it sits there every day, just waiting to be held one more time. But when mom left, I blocked the urge to pick it back up. But lately, something has been picking at the wall, making it harder.

I heard you say you needed me now

What's the problem I can't see

You destroyed me, I won't fall apart again

I'm not falling apart

I told him I needed him. A week before he left. He asked me what I would do if he left, I told him I didn't know because I knew he wouldn't. But there I was, left alone. He shattered my life completely, left me all by myself.

And that just can't be forgi-




What the hell is tha-




I rubbed the tears from my soaked cheeks, and slowly got up from the ground where I once cried for him.

The curly head of hair that had just climbed the siding. And was smiling and waving at me out the window.

Harry Styles.


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And oh god, Punk Direction.... *drools over keyboard while eyes are glued to sexy screen*

Muah, muah! Goodbye!


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