Chapter Four

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Harry's POV

Walking home, all of my thoughts were centered around Heather. How even in the rain, she looked beautiful. Even with ripped up legs and mascara running down her cheeks she was stunning. Because it wasn't just her appearance that amazed me, it was just everything about her, even the most insignificant little things.

Like that white eyelash she has on her right eye. Or how the smell of nail polish doesn't bother her at all. And how she can sit in front of a computer screen for hours on end. And how she wears those nerdy glasses Zayn loves, but real perscription ones. Or was born flexible, and can do gymnastics without any lessons whatsoever, or can beat up anyone, even Jesse Holloway, the school bully.

Or the way she could change the atmosphere in a room, any situation, any time. Like at her twin Fay's funeral, when we all gathered after the ceremony and everyone was balling their eyes out, she picked up a caterpillar and started to giggle. She said that Fay was now her caterpillar, because Fay was as beautiful as a butterfly and that all caterpillars turn into butterfies.

I guess now I understand how Fay was related to a butterfly. She went from a live human being (caterpillar), to an angel (butterfly), watching over her twin sister.

We all missed Fay. I may not have been as close to Fay as I was with Heather but she was still a really nice girl. And she always came up to Heather and I's tree house with chocolates, and then we would play Skip-Bo and tell jokes.

(A/NL: Skip-Bo is a card game for those who haven't heard of it. It's actually a really fun game! Not like all those boring old people card games... lln< That means Laugh.Like.Niall c: )

One thing everyone adored about Fay was how she could ignore everything bad and play with everything good. She got that from her mum.

Okay. Hold up.

What does Fay have to do with this? I need to be thinking about Heather right now!

And the sweet sound coming from her house... She's playing piano. God, and she's just so good at it. She never understood that though, how she could have talent. She thought she didn't. I should have begged her to audition with me, I should have at least told her.

Damn, I am such a screw up. No, let's put some emphasis on that. I, Harold Edward Styles, am such a freaking screw up it isn't even humanely possible. Better.

Her mum and I were the only ones that had ever heard her play, She played almost every day once Fay passed. And each day she got better. But today, even in the over powering sound of the rain, she sounded like a professional.

I smiled and tore my eyes from the house I practically lived in, continuing walking down the sidewalk bike tires were constantly riding on.

Gosh, is there one thing in this neighborhood that doesn't remind me of Heather?

"Harry? Where have you been? You kept the boys waiting!" Mum asked, as I came in the house soaking wet. The boys were sprawled against the couch, Ps3 controllers sitting in their hands.

"I was no where, mum." I muttered, greeting her in the kitchen where she pulled out a fresh batch of cookies. When she turned around and saw me, she almost dropped the hot cookie sheet in her hands.

"You're dripping wet!" She shrieked, placing the cookie sheet over the counter. "Oh my gosh, you're getting the carpet wet! Get into your room and take a shower!" She said, laughing a little and pushing me towards my room with her oven mitt hands.

I guess I'm taking a shower.


I had just gotten out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist as I walked to my room across the hall. Most of my time in the shower was spent just standing under the burning hot water that pulsed over my skin, washing all the dirt off with no effort.

I dried off my body and put on a pair of boxers, some sweats and a plain white v-neck. I ran my hand through my still soaking wet curls. I got my towel and rustled my hair with it, soaking up most of the water.

I plopped down onto my old bed, staring up at the ceiling and sighing to myself.

What was the reason for my idiocy? Why didn't I think before coming here so suddenly? Why did I have to be so stupid and hide from her I was going to go pursue my dream and leave her behind? I should have been here with her when her mum passed, I should have been here to comfort her!

God, I... I just love her too much to let her slip away from me again. I'm not leaving again this time. She's just all I've ever wanted, not those drunk blonde bimbos, or the fake cake face girls. She doesn't need the makeup, all she needs is herself. That's all I need, her.

Her smile, her laugh, her deep dimples, her light green eyes. Her amazing sense of humor, her talent, just her everything. She has no flaws, she's perfect, no matter what everyone else says.

I got off my bed and sighed, making my way out of my room. Just as I reached the door, I felt something under my feet.

I shifted my foot and I found something.

Heather's hairband.

How was this even happening?

Ed, can you predict the future?! I thought to myself, picking up the elastic band and holding it in my fingers. I laughed and pulled the band onto my wrist, like a bracelet. It felt like Heather was here with me in a way, even though she was just three houses down from me.

I walked out of my room with a smile on my face, making my way towards the living room where the boys were on the Ps3.

"Why do you look so happy, Harry?" Niall said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Yeah, Harry! Why do you look so cheerful?" Zayn said, putting his controller on his lap, and all the boys turned their attention towards me.

"I need your help."


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bai :) x

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