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After the Hydra fight everyone went after goods from the Hydra they cut scales and pulled teeth and pulled claws, even took chunks of meat off of it. They were all after something, Rosalind, Harrison, Myself and Moira were all just watching as everyone else went after getting the things they wanted from this Hydra.

Eventually some guards came to clean up the mess and we were told to leave. And then we tried to decide what to do next. We came to the conclusion we could go back to Calamus and do some research. And maybe even talk to the Woman we rescued from the Mountain and her sister. I believe she was related to the king. I'm not sure.

Alec led us to the water ready to get the swan boat out again. He threw the coin into the water and a giant swan boat appeared. We all got on as we had before. And we spent the rest of the day talking and laughing and listening to nice music from Pan and Austerius. It was funny when it grew dark. Alec cuddled up with Fluffy, Moira cuddled up with me, Isabelle cuddled up to Pan and Rosalind cuddled into Harrison. Wallace slept at the head of the boat and Austerius wrapped herself in her cloak and got cozy. The night was nice on the water.

In the morning everyone woke very late and we arrived at shore not much longer after we had finished our breakfast. Getting off the swan boat we decided to split up Moira, Myself, Pan Isabelle and Alec, went to talk to the woman related to the king while the others went to the library for research.

On our walk there Moira decided she was going to look like Rosalind while we talked to the women. When we got there the kids were all running around and playing and one of the Women was sitting on the porch watching them. One of the girls ran up to Alec and said "Wow, I like your horn! Can I touch it?" Alec laughed.

"Of course!" He said and bent down so she could feel his one horn. She giggled when she did.

"I want horns too!" She said and Alec cast a spell to make it look like there were little horns on her head. She ran to her mother saying "Mommy! Look at my horns!"

We all smiled. Alec walked to the mother and explained what we wished to talk to her about. She called the kids inside and they went running into the house playing and she invited us in. The woman who was once pregnant was now sitting in a rocking chair and holding a small baby girl wrapped in an old pink quilt.

"Congratulations," Alec said to her. She nodded and smiled. "What's her name?" He asked.

"Emilia" She told Alec.

"Can I hold her?" Moira asked. She stood up and walked the baby over to Moira. "I would have a baby but I'm already too big." she said. I choked and started coughing, she was already pregnant. Why would she say that? Then I remembered, she looked like Rosalind and was probably only saying it because of the way she looked.

Quickly Alec got to questioning. He asked lots of questions to the two Women we learned they were sisters to the queen and that for some reason their family had many girls, she claimed it to be like a curse. We also learned more about the Dragon and how the Princess, Who's name is Willow, was being kept in what used to be a prison tower that was in the center of town, the dragon usually rested on top of it and there were guards at the bottom, and sometimes the dragon left but if anything went the wrong while he was gone the Dragon quickly returned.

We learned as much as we could. And with our new information we headed to the town square to meet up with the rest of the group we waited a long time and the others hadn't returned so we sent Pan and Isabelle to get the horses and cart while we waited for the others to come. 

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