Merry and Music

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Austerius's morning was going to be a good one, she had returned to the shop she went to the day before, she wanted to visit the nice shop owner she had met the day before, she was hoping to get some time to play in the park with her. Austerius had stayed up almost all night writing music for the two of them. She got to the shop just as it had opened and she saw the small halfling skipping through the shopped and entered. "Hi, I was here yesterday, my name is Austerius."

"I remember you, you're quite memorable, your beautiful blue skin tone, and my name is Ruby, how can I help you today?" Ruby asked.

"Well I wrote some music and I thought that maybe you would want to come and play some music in the park with me for a while," Austerius asked her.

"Oh that sounds very lovely!" Ruby said excitedly, grabbing her lute.

On their way to the park after closing up the shop they shared stories about their lives and said things that they liked. And they found a nice bench and they sat and pulled out their instruments. Ruby looked over they music a little before they started to play.

They played for a while and Ruby didn't do so well. She apologized for how bad it sounded due to it being new music she had never seen before. Austerius kept telling her it was okay and that she understood, the two seemed to get along very well. They played for a while, many people watched some even left coins for them.

In the end they came up with 10 Silver and 7 Copper. Austerius offered Ruby the coin but she refused saying she didn't need it, again Austerius tried to give the money to her. "Fine I'm going to sit it here and it can stay here I won't take it." she said to her.

Austerius took the money solemnly not wanting to leave it and put it in her bag. As she did so she got a message from Henry to come to the town square. "I'm sorry I must being going now, I am headed to Glaktoya next I hope to get a letter?" She said to Ruby.

"Of course, have fun on your adventures!"

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