Pan's rescue Reginald POV

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This was written by Pan's player! It's adorable and funny to see from a squirrel point of view! Don't thank me thank him for this one!!!!

At first we thought it was just another bird. Then the bird was replaced by a man! We went to flee but we heard him talk to us. Confusion first but he asked us to come to him. I and many friends did but not all. He started talking about the large black lizard, referring to it as a "dragon". He talked about how the black lizard hoards and takes food, and that if we didn't take him down we wouldn't have enough food for "winter". From what I could tell I think he was talking about the cold days. He said if we could take down the dragon we would have enough food for many winters. He told us to get everyone we could to him, but I didn't think it was good. I thought everyone thought that, but I heard them agree with him that it was a good idea so I went along with it.

After we looked there were only 3 other friends that were not there that showed up after. The man looked disappointed. He told us to follow then suddenly he was a fellow friend! After making it near the lizard he told me to wait. Friends went ahead and looked at the large lizard, friends were scared. After a while he told me to follow and we walked past the lizard without it looking at us. We slipped under the weird wall made of stone and it was dark. Couldn't see far but he told me to follow, after a while of slow walking down this gargantuan tunnel he told me I was now called Reginald. I didn't get it at first but I learned that when he says it he wants to communicate with me. I saw a red shiny rock in the wall of a BIG room we walked into. He walked over to a hole, when I looked down the hole went on forever. After sniffing near the hole then the rock he told me to get away from the rock. I watched as he then was a man again!

He said some words in a scary voice I didn't understand then walked back. Suddenly a loud noise came from the rock as it broke a bunch and the wall fell. It hurt but not enough to do any damage to me though. The room was empty but he looked around anyway. He asked if I could smell people other than him, which I could even though there wasn't anyone. He went around tapping again until the look on his face changed to excitement. After more waiting he then looked worried and started making sounds with a wood thing. All of a sudden he had this stick with a strong rock on the end in his hand. After hitting the wall it broke though, but then the loud noise happened again! I think he's the one that makes them? I kept my ears covered after it happened more and the wall fell.

One of the people I had smelled was there behind the wall! He walked through and she ran at him and wrapped her arms which had more strong rock connecting them around his body. They said things I could understand until he started backing up towards the wall away from the hole. I know what this ment and covered my ears and another loud sound broke the wall. This opened another hole with yet another person I smelled before. After that he and the female walked out with her still having her arms around him. The second female also had strong rock connecting her arms. After that he looked to another wall in the room we were all in so I covered my ears again.Wall goes down and this time a male with bird wings and strong rock connecting his arms walks out. After that I heard more noises of people from where we came, so I crawled into the man's bag because I was scared. I didn't come out till much later.

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