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♪───☆彡 ★ 彡☆───♪

Heeseung 💗
[Wednesday, 4 November - 8:21 am]



y am i the one texting u first all the time?




srry 🙁

i'm having class in ten mins

what's up?

Heeseung 💗

same tho

but yh, nothin

just bored

hanging by the lockers

|| Yuri looked up from her phone and spotted Heeseung standing by one of the lockers, smiling at his phone. A smile spread across her face as she responded to him. || 


ok lol


Heeseung 💗


oh, cmon

don't make me do this again




Heeseung 💗

yk wht, stop being so cute 

Yuri's heart skipped a beat when she read the message, but he'd already deleted it. Why did he delete it? Did he not mean it? A million thoughts raced through her head that she didn't realize someone had walked up to her. 

Looking up, she saw Hana standing in front of her. She gasped and tucked her phone back into her pocket, smiling at her best friend. 

"Hey," she greeted her, and Hana nodded suspiciously. 

"Whatcha hiding?" She tilted her head cutely, and Yuri shook her head. Hana raised an eyebrow. "Like I'm gonna believe that," she chuckled, and Yuri looked away, scratching the back of her neck. 

"It's nothing. I was just texting someone..." Yuri trailed off, giving Hana a cheeky grin. Hana's jaws dropped. 

"Oh, my God! Is it that dude you accidentally texted? Omo, what was his name? Hee—" Yuri clasped her mouth with her palm, and Hana started mumbling something in a muffled voice. 

"Shh, will you shut up, Hana? I'll tell you everything later, oh, my God. Now, let's get to class," she muttered as Hana nodded, and the two of them walked back to class. 

When they got to their class, Yuri pulled out her phone from her pocket, while Hana set her books on the table. 

[6 new messages from Heeseung 💗] 

She sighed to herself and switched off her phone before turning her attention back to her class. 

‣ ‣ ‣

"Bitch, tell me." 

Yuri rolled her eyes for the— okay, she lost her count. For the past ten minutes of their morning class, Hana has been nudging her arm, asking her about 'the dude she accidentally texted' and what she thinks about him. 

"Hana, shut up if you don't want detention," Yuri mumbled, looking at the professor, pretending to pay attention. As much as she wanted to pay attention to get good grades, her best friend wouldn't allow it. 

"Yuri, you're quite literally the class topper. Why do you still pay attention in class? Tell me about that guy," she pouted, and Yuri rolled her eyes. Again. 

"Ugh, fine. I'll tell you, but keep looking at the board, or Mr. Choi will send us to detention, and that's the last thing I need this year." A smile lit up Hana's face as she silently giggled, awaiting what Yuri had to say. 

"Alright... I didn't realize that I had your new number saved on my phone, so I typed it in, but I think I got one digit wrong when I did that. That's how I ended up texting this random guy thinking it was you. Later, he told me his name, but I couldn't tell him mine due to obvious reasons," she spoke quietly. 

"But why not? I mean, he probably told you the truth, right? You could have told—" 

"No, thank you." Yuri glared at Hana, and she pursed her lips with a nod. "So, I told him my name was Jisung. He believed it, and we started talking every day. And, the thing is... " she trailed off, and Hana turned to face her. 


"I found out that he goes to this university, and he's only a year older than me," she bit her lips, and Hana gasped so loud, gaining a few stares from the others in the class. The teacher narrowed his eyes at Hana, who mouthed an apology and looked down at her book. 

"Continue," she mumbled, and Yuri sighed. 

"The day you were at home, sick, there was an issue with some girl. She had put a paper on my locker asking me to hand it over to Jisung, and when I did, you know Jisung, he's got only one girl in his heart, so he threw the paper in a trashcan. This girl saw that, and she fucking yelled at me for it," Yuri almost snapped but lowered her voice as much as she could. 

Hana's hands flung up to her mouth, and she nodded, signaling her to continue. "That day, some guy pulled her away from me and helped me up. That 'some guy' happened to be Heeseung," Yuri mumbled, her cheeks coloring red. 

"Oh, my God, that is such a lovely love story," she cooed, and Yuri pursed her lips, her eyes widening. "Oh, wait. How exactly did you know that the guy who helped you was Heeseung?" 

"He told me his name, stupid," she smacked the back of Hana's head, and she made an 'oh' with her mouth. 

"But how are you so sure that the Heeseung from our university is the same guy who's texting you? I mean, there can be other people named Heeseung, right?" she asked. 

"No, he's the one. I've seen his pictures," Yuri muttered nonchalantly, only realizing what she said when she noticed Hana's wide eyes and the smirk on her lips. "Well, fuck." 

"Well, well, well. Heeseung sent you his pics already, hmm?" She wiggled his eyebrows, and Yuri blushed but grinned nervously. 

"Yeah, and he also asked me for my pictures." 

The smirk on her face wore off. "Oh, dammit. Don't tell me you send Jisung's pictures," she furrowed her eyebrows. "He'd recognize him if you did!" 

"Y-yeah... I know." Yuri responded. "So.... uhh, I-I sent him H-Haejin oppa's picture," she smiled, and Hana nodded approvingly. 

It'll only take a minute, don't worry. 


Yuri winced, and the whole class turned their heads to face them, and the professor slammed his book on the table. 

"Kang Yuri, Kim Haneul! Detention for the two of you!" 

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