Shattered Mirrors

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Hey hey hey I'm back! Sorry about last chapter, I was kinda being lazy. Anyway so like I will warn you that this chapter will contain self-harm, and who knows maybe, and I sat maybe, abuse. So yeah...uhh hope you enjoy. Aithusa out.

"...home" I think. Great just a another way to end a good day. Well this is how I end all of my days. But whatever life is life.

As I'm walking I see a mother and a child outside playing . They're throwing a ball back and forth between them both. The child is laughing with joy, the mother smiling. I stop to watch this thinking about what my life would be like if I had a mother like that.

As I'm watching I hear a text ding go off. I reach into my pocket and look at it. It's from my sister. I open it and read it

Sis- Eli, don't come any further then you are. Mom is on a rampage right now. Go to Liam's or Matts for now. Remember close eyes, don't listen, and turn the other way. I love you but I have to go.

I understand what this means and walk the other way to her boyfriend Matts house. He's nice and understands this. I'm about three quarters of the way to his house when another text comes in. I look down and it's my mom..

Devil- ELI!!! You get your sorry ass home right now. You better be here in 3 minutes or you'll have to deal with your punishment like last time. So get your ass here right now!!

I know I can't disobey my mother so I turn on my heal and run straight for the house of hell. When I finally get there I'm out of breath, my heart is pounding while my lungs are begging for air. When I get my heart to calm I walk into the house. What I see is horrifying.

Shattered glass everywhere. Parts of the wall with holes in it, and chairs and tables overturned. I walk in a little further and close the door in fear someone will see this. I hear skin meet skin upstairs. I wince hopping that my sister is ok. Then I see it. Blood.

Blood is everywhere. On the walls. On the tile. On the floor. Just everywhere. As I make my way to the kitchen I hear footsteps on the stairs. I rush over to a wall and back myself up against it. I close my eyes, and try not to listen. My mom finally emerges from the doorway.

She's all bloody, and her clothes are torn. She walks right up to me. She gets really close and I feel her breath on my neck. She take my arm and squeezes it, digging her long nails into the pale flesh on my bones.

"Well look who's here now. Come through save your sister now have you?" She says venom leaking off of every word.

I quickly sign that she told me to come home. She looks at me with a dead stare. Her eyes sinking into my skin like her nails. I'm glad she knows sign language right now. I open one eye to look at her when she smacks me.

"Don't you be a smartass with me right now!" She yells at me. She takes her arm back again to hit me but it never connects. I open an eye and see my sister there holding her back.

"Go upstairs Eli, don't worry I'll take care of it." She says over my screaming mother. I nod and run upstairs to my room and shut the door quickly. I run over to the bathroom and lock the door. Leaning against it and sliding down to the floor. I hear glass shattering downstairs and hear screams of rage.

My one instinct I've hid for several years now takes over. I get up and walk over to the mirror. I take my fist and bring it back. They won't hear it shatter. I let the power behind the fist connect itself with the mirror. Shards fly everywhere. I stand there looking at the blood on my hand. I can't feel anything. But the pain bleeding out of every cut on it.

I look around for a shard big enough to hold. I finally find one and pick it up. I start to bring it to my arm and connect it with my pale flesh. I cut deep and I cut hard. By the time 2 minutes have passed I see about 70 cuts. Although that should be enough I keep cutting, deeper and deeper each time. Then my vision starts to fade into blackness.

The last thing I see are the cuts on my arm and the glass shard in my hand. Then everything fades.

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